University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a college located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

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At least 72 Stage 32 members have attended University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill:
Kristopher Wile

Kristopher Wile

From Los Angeles, California
Michael Babbitt

Michael Babbitt

Director, Cinematographer and Editor from Hillsborough, North Carolina
Rachel Bahler

Rachel Bahler

Actor and Voice Artist from New York City, New York
Renee Arrington

Renee Arrington

Location Manager, Post-Production Supervisor and Producer from Denver, Colorado
Carter Brown

Carter Brown

Actor and Filmmaker from Los Angeles, California
Susan Huckle

Susan Huckle

Actor, Singer and Comedian from Los Angeles, California
Kane Smego

Kane Smego

Art Director, Playwright and Other from Carrboro, North Carolina
Nikolas Priest

Nikolas Priest

Actor, Director and Producer from New York City, New York
Rebecca Grace Watson

Rebecca Grace Watson

Actor from Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Jon Haas

Jon Haas

Actor, Art Director and Cinematographer from Carrboro, North Carolina
Ted Morée

Ted Morée

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Director of Photography from New Orleans, Louisiana
Heavenly Walker

Heavenly Walker

Actor, Host/Presenter and Voice Artist from Greensboro, North Carolina
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