Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema

Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema

Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema

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At least 9 Stage 32 members have attended Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema:
Sandra Fanha

Sandra Fanha

Location Manager and Transportation Coordinator from Lisbon, Portugal
Cineclube Cine-Reactor 24i

Cineclube Cine-Reactor 24i

Producer and Distributor from Amadora, Portugal
Anna Carvalho

Anna Carvalho

Actor, Screenwriter and Director from Austin, Texas
Inês Carvalho E Lemos

Inês Carvalho E Lemos

Actor, Producer and Stage Manager from GuimarĂ£es, Portugal
Ângela Ramos

Ângela Ramos

Student, Director and Screenwriter from Porto, Portugal
Daniela Adrião de Mendonça Pires

Daniela Adrião de Mendonça Pires

Director and Student from Lisbon, Portugal
Bernie Rao

Bernie Rao

Cinematographer, Director and Filmmaker from Wellington, New Zealand
Vasco Riobom

Vasco Riobom

Camera Operator and Cinematographer from Lisbon, Portugal
Catia Martins

Catia Martins

Director, Editor and Producer from Braga, Portugal
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