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Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive Silvia Mathis

Get feedback on your feature from Silvia Mathis

Executive Producer and founder/ceo of PunkinStudios who works with Hallmark, The Wolper Org/Warner Bro/Discovery

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Feature Script Read + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive

Invest 30-minutes in yourself and speak with Professionals who will give you specific, actionable advice for developing and selling your script.

Get the Advice You Need from Professionals You Can Trust

You have worked hard to write your feature film script. Trust us, we get it...

Your next step is to make sure that your story stands out in today's market. The market is constantly changing and it's important you not only understand that, but also understand how your story can stand out from the rest.

To do that you need guidance from a professional. Now, exclusively through Stage 32, you can have a professional actively working in the film industry read your script and hop on a call with you discuss their feedback. The goal is to help your script be the best it can be. You will work directly with an executive of your choice to develop your script to give you the best competitive advantage for today's market.


We want to put you in a position to win

We have curated an elite community of executives that include managers, development executives and producers who are passionate about meeting new writers and championing emerging voices like yours! As soon as you step into your meeting you become a professional industry colleague developing original content with trusted and well respected professional on the inside track of market trends attractive to buyers and audiences alike.

In the past 10 years at Stage 32 we've watched thousands of writers get discovered by getting optioned, staffed on hit series, sold to buyers and produced, financed and distributed on film and television... all through connections made from Stage 32. You can rest assured our mission and our executives' mission is to see you succeed in advancing your career with every meeting.


"I have had two good agents in the past in Hollywood but feel Stage 32 is even greater in their investment in my future. They seem to want to see me succeed ...Take their notes seriously because they know how to do this. I feel the best value is the phone consultations after a script read. You get so much out of it and great connections!" - Hector V.

Ready to Get Started?

You're taking an important step in your career by getting feedback from an industry executive. Getting notes on your television pilot with one person has more potential than you know: you’re building your reputation and networks in the industry – and that’s just the beginning. You never know where one read may lead.


Here's What You Submit:

  • Your full feature film script up to 120 pages.


Who’s Your Reader?

  • You get to choose from our roster of managers, producers, agents, development executives & financiers (need suggestions? Email us at success@stage32.com and we'll help you find the best match for your script)
  • Our carefully vetted roster of executives are all currently working with top companies in the entertainment industry and on some of the top film and TV shows you love to watch.
  • Best of all? You get complete transparency. You know exactly who is reading your script and what they have worked on based on their bio and genre that they work in.


What You Can Expect:

  • Transparency: Your full script will be read by the executive that you choose based on their bio with their knowledge of current market trends in mind.
  • Direct Access: A private, 30 minute-long phone call in which the executive will provide detailed feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your piece, plus suggestions on development to ensure that your project is market-ready.
  • Ample opportunity to ask any questions that you might have. We recommend you take notes during this call.
  • BONUS! If the executive you submitted your script to would like another meeting with you we will facilitate that request and make a direct introduction - we've made thousands of introductions between writers and executives!
  • DOUBLE BONUS! If the executive recommends you as a writer and your script to us, we will send your script, bio & logline out to over 500 managers, agents, producers, financiers and executives in our Stage 32 Look Book. Our Look Book is much anticipated and has resulted in meetings at CAA, WME, 3 Arts, Broken Road, Cold Iron, Verve, Gidden Media and More!


Turnaround Time:

  • Most script reads and consultations take place within 21 days, however, since the executives on our roster are working executives sometimes this will vary depending on their shooting or delivery schedules for the studios.


"The feedback I got was mind blowing. I can't believe i didn't think of this possibility for my character and I am equally ecstatic that Kate sees a potential home for this at a mini-major studio. Thank you Stage 32!" - Ellen R.


Are You New to Writing & Unsure of How to Get Started?

That’s fantastic, and we are so glad you found us! Sign-up for a 60 Minute Career Development Call and you’ll get set on the right path.

Not sure which executive is the best choice to read your script and hop on the phone with? Email success@stage32.com anytime with information on your script's genre & a logline/synopsis (if available) for advice.

More Stage 32 Success!



Stage 32 has spent over a decade cultivating relationships with over 2,000 executives in the industry. This allows our community to be able to submit scripts to receive feedback from our mentors. This also means that there is a non-circumvent policy. Please do not contact the executive outside of Stage 32 via social media, email, mail, fax or in any way. This is a violation of their no unsolicited privacy and our user policy and could result in suspension from Stage 32.

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