Purchase TV Pitch Bible or Feature Pitch Deck Review + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive

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Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive Silvia Mathis

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Executive Producer and founder/ceo of PunkinStudios who works with Hallmark, The Wolper Org/Warner Bro/Discovery

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TV Pitch Bible or Feature Pitch Deck Review + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive

Improve your pitch deck or pitch bible, build your network and make a plan for your next steps with a top industry professional - exclusively through Stage 32!

Get the Advice You Need from Professionals You Can Trust

In today’s marketplace in order to sell your television pilot or your feature film screenplay you will need more than just your script.

You need a pitch deck or pitch bible.

We are seeing more often that executives are requesting a pitch deck or bible before they request to read a script, so you need to make sure that your pitch document is on point.

To do that you need guidance from a professional. Now, exclusively through Stage 32, you can have a professional actively working in the film and television industry read your pitch deck or pitch bible and hop on a call with you discuss their feedback. The goal is to help your bible be the best it can be. You will work directly with an executive of your choice to develop your bible to give you the best competitive advantage for today's market.


We want to put you in a position to win

We have curated an elite community of executives that include managers, development executives and producers who are passionate about meeting new writers and championing emerging voices like yours! As soon as you step into your meeting you become a professional industry colleague developing original content with trusted and well respected professional on the inside track of market trends attractive to buyers and audiences alike.

In the past 10 years at Stage 32 we've watched thousands of writers get discovered by getting optioned, staffed on hit series, sold to buyers and produced, financed and distributed on film and television... all through connections made from Stage 32. You can rest assured our mission and our executives' mission is to see you succeed in advancing your career with every meeting.


Ready to get your pitch deck or pitch bible read and hop on a call with an executive to get feedback?

Now is your time! You can choose the executive you want to read your pitch deck or pitch bible that specializes in your genre (need suggestions? Email us at writerhelp@stage32.com), and once they are done reading your document you will have a private meeting. You'll go over the strengths and weaknesses of your bible and develop a plan for your next steps. Their goal is to ensure you are market ready, and competitive for buyers specifically targeted for your material. Our executives have bought, sold, and developed content for all major networks, studios, and streamers like Hulu, Netflix, Disney, Paramount, Columbia Pictures, MGM, Amazon and more!

Best of all? This is a totally safe space for you to talk about your pitch deck or bible. Your executive is here to help in every way. We want you to walk away with confidence that your script will be competitive and ready for the greenlight!

Take your meeting, and get to work... there's no time like the present -- You can do this. We are here to help you navigate the industry every step of the way.

Your Success is Our Mission.

All the best,

The Stage 32 Team



What Our Writers Are Saying:

Stage 32 has saved me. If you’re approaching this business from the outside with no industry contacts to speak of, it can be a godsend. And if you’re on the fence, don’t fear. Just don your thick skin, put your best work out there, and be ready for whatever opportunities it might bring.

-Matthew J. Beier


Stage32 employs an amazing team of CARING individuals! Although their services are second-to-none, the people are what really make Stage32 such an amazing resource!

-PA Lopez


When I found Stage32, I was a speech writer & a choreographer who wanted to break into script writing. Thanks to Jason Mirch & his team of super-humans, I’m now having my scripts read by incredible producers & actors. Thanks to Jason, my faith in this process has been restored! Through Stage32, I have received the advice & the moral support I needed to keep going. Joining Stage32 was the best career decision I ever made!!

-Ell Conard



How Can Stage 32 Help You?

Go beyond just sharing your script. You’ll submit either your Pitch Deck or Bible to the working industry executive of your choosing. Once they review it, they’ll schedule a 30 minute phone call with you where they’ll both provide a comprehensive assessment of your overall concept, and offer up suggestions on how to continue developing and refining your presentation. No one will have a clearer idea of how to make your concept market-ready than these executives.

And remember: this is your opportunity to build a potential relationship with someone on the inside. Be professional, be courteous, be yourself, and if you have specific questions for them, ask away! And make sure that you take notes. The information that you’ll receive through these phone calls is invaluable and you won’t want to miss an ounce of it.


What You Receive:

  • A comprehensive review of your pitch deck/bible by a working Hollywood executive
  • An intimate, 30-minute long phone call in which the executive will provide detailed feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your concept, plus suggestions on development to ensure that your project and pitch materials are market-ready.
  • Ample opportunity to ask any questions that you might have. We recommend that you take notes during this call.


What You Submit:

  • Your TV Pitch Bible or Feature Film Pitch Deck! Materials cannot exceed 30 pages.
  • Please make sure to also provide two different methods of contact for your call (multiple phone numbers, a Skype handle, etc.)


Who’s Reading Your Pitch Document?

  • You get to choose from our roster of managers, producers and development executives
  • BONUS: you have the ability to choose your reader based on genre


Turnaround Time:

  • 21 Days


This Service is For You If:

  • You need thorough feedback on the overall vision for your piece from an unbiased expert
  • You have questions about the strength of your concept
  • You want a detailed understanding of the current marketability of your project
  • You’d like to get a taste of what a professional development meeting feels like


Don't Know Where to Start with Writing Your Bible?

TV projects - we have you covered! How To Write Your TV Pitch Bible To Sell Your Show

Feature film projects - we have you covered! How to Put Together a Perfect Film Investor Pitch Deck


Is the Script For Your Pilot Falling a Little Flat?

No worries! We’ve got you covered with our TV Pilot Read + 60 Minute Consultation.


Not sure which executive is the best choice to read your script and hop on the phone with? Email success@stage32.com anytime with information on your script's genre & a logline/synopsis (if available) for advice.





PLEASE NOTE: By booking an order for coverage or consulting with an executive, you agree to submit your script within 24 hours. Due to the professional commitments of our executives, their availability changes frequently. Failure to submit your script in a timely manner may cause your order to be delayed far beyond the estimated timeframe - or go unfulfilled.

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