Purchase Script Coverage from an Industry Reader

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Script Coverage from an Industry Reader

Get 3-5 pages of script notes in 72 hours or less!

Submit for a Chance to be in the monthly "Best of Stage 32" Lookbook!

Only the top 5% of Scripts are Showcased to over 500 Industry Professionals - including Managers, Agents, Producers, & Executives.

If your submission receives a Double Recommend you will automatically be entered into the "Best of Stage 32" Lookbook and have your project's logline and your bio submitted to over 500+ Industry Professionals for FREE!



Get the helpful notes you need from an industry reader you can trust. 

If you're a writer, you've poured your heart and soul onto the page and probably felt a sense of relief when you typed FADE OUT. Your characters and world you've built have been swimming around in your mind and now it's important that you get them out.

Your next step is to get professional script coverage.

Our Stage 32 industry readers have been carefully vetted and have a minimum of 5 years reading for a production company, management firm, agency, studio or industry organization.  This is to ensure that their coverage of your script will be to the industry's top standards because they have read and covered some of the top material that is coming in and out of the marketplace.  Unlike other script coverage services you will know the bio and credentials of who is reading your script.

With Stage 32 Industry Reader coverage, you’ll submit your script and within 72 hours, you’ll receive 3-5 pages of constructive feedback on crucial script elements including formatting, concept & originality, character & dialogue, plot & structure and budget & commercial prospects, as well as get a carefully crafted logline and a "nutshell" comp you can use. 


Added perk if you get a "Double Recommend"

Additionally, your reader will provide a pass, consider or recommend rating for both your script, as well as your writing ability. If your script receives a “Double Recommend” from the reader your script’s logline and your bio will be included in a Stage 32 industry lookbook which is sent to over 500 industry professionals every month!

Previous lookbooks have resulted in requests from Sony Pictures Animation, 3 Arts, Lit Entertainment (THE TOMORROW WAR with Chris Pratt), Verve, Ramo Law, The Cartel, Untitled Entertainment, Circle of Confusion, Zero Gravity Management, Mind's Eye Entertainment, Marc Platt Productions (LA LA LAND), Black Bear Pictures (THE IMITATION GAME), Polaris Pictures (OBSESSION), Energy Entertainment and more!


What Our Writers are Saying:

Stage 32 Coverage is wonderful! I highly recommend it. Your eyes and the eyes of friends and family members are not enough. You need a Stage 32 reader, like mine, to triage your script, so you can transform it into a strong, viable story that impacts the reader.

- Gayle Herbert Robinson


...only one service has consistently provided coverage that I felt was worth every penny I paid, & that is Stage32. NOT because I always agree with the readers, but because they have stated their case clearly & offered suggestions and insights on how to improve. That allows me to learn & grow as a writer. THAT'S what coverage should be & an example of a true professional reader.

- Dirk Patton


The coverage service offered by Stage 32 is absolutely worth-while. By receiving outside perspectives on our projects, this service allows us to gain additional insight to further maximize the quality of our scripts. The feedback is clear and concise while offering solutions to help us out with problem solving. I definitely recommend everyone to try it out!

- Joshua Maheu

read more testimonials here


What You Actually Receive:

  • 3-5 pages of detailed notes on the core elements of your script: formatting, concept & originality, character & dialogue, plot & structure and budget & commercial prospects
  • An estimated budget range & the commercial prospects of your project
  • A Logline
  • A Nutshell (X meets Y comparison)
  • A Pass/Consider/Recommend on the project
  • A Pass/Consider/Recommend for the writer


What You Submit:

  • Your full script!



You can also order a Synopsis, which is incredibly helpful to those writers hoping to rein in the focus for their overall story or have a foundation for a pitch document. For an additional fee of only $49, you will receive a 1-2 page detailed synopsis on your screenplay discussing both your protagonist and antagonist, major plot points, and character arcs at length.

Just check "Yes! I want to receive a 1-2 page synopsis of my screenplay for only $49" upon checkout!


Who’s Your Reader?

  • A working entertainment industry professional reader. All of our readers have at least 5 years of studio, production company or industry reading experience, and they’ve been individually vetted by Stage 32.
  • We also know that anonymity can be intimidating, so you’ll receive a brief bio of your reader so you can see the qualifications of the person giving feedback!


Turnaround Time:

  • 3 Days or less guaranteed


This Coverage is For You If:

  • You’re looking for professional, unbiased feedback before you start a rewrite.
  • You’ve lost all track of your story and need to rein in your focus.
  • You’re hoping to workshop a first draft.
  • You want to start shopping your project around to executives.


If You’d Like Your Piece Read by a Hollywood Exec:

  • We can do that, and our Studio Coverage is a great option for you.



If your script receives a “Double Recommend” from the reader - that is a “Recommend” rating for both your script and your writing ability, your script’s logline and your bio will be included in an industry lookbook which is sent to over 500 industry professionals every month! Previous lookbooks have resulted in requests from Sony Pictures Animation, 3 Arts, Lit Entertainment (THE TOMORROW WAR with Chris Pratt), Verve, Ramo Law, The Cartel, Untitled Entertainment, Circle of Confusion, Zero Gravity Management, Mind's Eye Entertainment, Marc Platt Productions (LA LA LAND), Black Bear Pictures (THE IMITATION GAME), Polaris Pictures (OBSESSION), Energy Entertainment and more!

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