Owner, Silverwind Films LLC
Owner, Maid-Rite Corporation, franchisor of national franchised restaurant chain 1926
Author, The Academy, full-length feature film screenplay
A Sliver of Bliss Drama While searching for the mysterious person who pulled him from a fiery crash, a grieving rock star finds a mystical path towards forgiveness and a second chance.
Saving Billie Valentine Drama ⋄ Family A magical heart-warming, heart-breaking Christmas tale Billie Valentine, a teenage black girl, trapped and alone in a small town with two little half-brothers to feed, gets an opportunity to change everything, the chance of a lifetime, if she can keep her past from ruining it.
Sunny Kincaid Thriller ⋄ Western Thriller With A Western FlavorSunny Kincaid is the story of a country girl who learned about men from a bad one, the woman she becomes walks the dark side. Sunny Kincaid is a taut psycho-sexual thriller.
The Hotel on Massacre Lane Mystery ⋄ Romance A Brace of Love Stories (WARNING: Let it be known, by all humankind, that we cosmic forces, in the course of our duty, being living entities the same as yourselves, proclaim the right to love, hate, nourish, or destroy, any of you or all of you as we see fit.) A Cosmic Force falls in love with a lovely socialite. A lovely socialite seeks the great love of her life. "Japanese researcher, Masaru Emoto, claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. In one experiment he filled three jars with rice and water and spoke to them every morning for thirty days. To the first jar he said, "Thank you." After thirty days the rice started to ferment and give off a pleasant aroma. He said, "You are an idiot," to the second jar, which turned black. He completely ignored the third jar, which began to rot and become covered in green mold."
Surviving Blind Faith Romance ⋄ Drama A lovely rich white socialite, doing charity work, falls under the spell of a poor Muslim Imam from the ghetto. Her life will never be the same.
Poor Paul
by Sean Michael Beyer
Producer Paul, a socially-awkward college student, who lives vicariously through his hero fantasies, takes his roommates on a trip around the world after getting a sizable inheritance from his mother.
Poor Paul: Winner Best Comedy Budapest Film Festival
Poor Paul: Best Feature Film, Gully International Film Festival
Poor Paul: Mobile Film Winner, Calcutta International Cult Film Festival
Poor Paul: Best Mobile Phone Feature Film, San Francisco International Film Awards
Sunny Kincaid: Winner New York Book Festival; Winner San Francisco Book Festival
Sunny Kincaid: Winner HollywoodScripts.com
Saving Billie Valentine: Winner San Francisco Book Festival.