The Stage 32 Videos: @dell @blue_creatives @greatgunstv @greatgunstv_usa @visionliveson @fuselieroliver @filmmaker_ruth @terryvantine @_melodymaker @sfxdan @realteeth @mike.stephany @allshowevents @crash_maxwell @keygripkev @kerianneparkerdp @dashkinnard @filmhouston

Dell: New Precision 7000 Mobile Workstations

Hot from the oven! The DELL Commercial I shot for Vision Production Group in Houston and Great Guns a few months back on Red Gemini!!!! This is 95% in-camera with realtime projection mapped to a three wall set and warped on the sides to appear to transform into an infinitely perpendicular plane. The camera moves are all manual, courtesy of Dolly Grip ace Kevin Parker (fresh off "Fear The Walking Dead") and yours truly. Directed by Melody Maker and produced by Ruth Villatoro, Terry Vantine and Oliver Fuselier. Awesome CG and projection mapping design by Dan Pratt, James Templeton and Mike Stephany. Projection by Arturo Joseph and Jesus Joseph at All Show Events. Gaffer: Sean Maxwell Key / Dolly Grip: Kevin Parker 1st AC: Kerianne Parker 2nd AC: Dash Kinnard DIT: Mike Stephany
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