The Stage 32 Videos: Funeral Home Films

WehrwolF - Altes Europa (im Zugzwang zu erinnern) - Offizieller…

"Altes Europa (im Zugzwang zu erinnern)" erscheint am 30. August 2024 auf Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon Music, YouTube etc.: Spotify: Apple Music: Deezer: Amazon Music: Grüß Gott und Waidmannsheil, dieses instrumentale Lied wollte ich als stillen Protest gegenüber der heutigen Zeit veröffentlichen. Aber den Mund zu halten macht für mich keinen Sinn! Daher habe mich dazu entschlossen, etwas dazu zu schreiben: Das alte Europa bedeutet für mich auch die Europäische Union. Aber nur die verlorengegangene Idee dahinter! Das moderne Europa von heute mit seinem voreiligen Handeln gegenüber diversen Krisen der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte, sagt mir nicht mehr zu. Und nicht nur ich selbst fühle mich in dieser ideologisch geprägten Gesellschaft zunehmend unwohl, unruhig und unsicher! Die Gründe dafür sind… vielfältig!!! Wir lassen uns schon viel zu lange unser Leben diktieren. Man geht freiwillig auf die Knie vor Entwicklungen, die nicht nur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sondern auch unserem gemeinsamen Kontinent Europa schaden! All das gab es im alten Europa nicht! Deshalb bin ich im Zugzwang zu erinnern, dass es auch mal ein anderes Europa gab, woran ich mich gerne zurück erinnere... Servus und Waidmannsdank. -WehrwolF (20. - 25. August 2024)

Creatures of the Cemetery (2024) - Official Teaser

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Teaser for Funeral Master's "Creatures of the Cemetery" (2024). Tagline: ... Status: in Production... Synopsis: Coming soon... Additional information: ... Best regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. FUNERAL MASTER COPYRIGHT © 2023 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

COVID-19 ; V.I.E.R.: V.irolous I.reparable E.nergy R.eaction…

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Short Film for B. K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 ; V.I.E.R.: V.irolous I.reparable E.nergy R.eaction" (2020). Tagline: V.irolous I.reparable E.nergy R.eaction Status: Complete. Synopsis: What started in the province Hubei in the city of Wuhan from China as a new infectious plague in December '19, spreads now over our planet Earth. And humanity must once again fight together against an invisible little deadly enemy called COVID-19 (stands for Coronavirus disease 2019)… ...After 9 months, our planet Earth is still fighting together against the current plague. More than 1,000,000 people have died worldwide as a result of the deadly lung infection. And people continue to die. Many countries working on a vaccine. And in the last 3 months, hope has finally germinated because vaccines have finally been produced from different countries. ...USA has the "COVID-19" vaccine from moderna, Great Britian has a vaccine from AstraZeneca, Germany has a vaccine from BioNTECH / Pfizer, Russia has the "Sputnik V" vaccine from Gamaleya and also China has a vaccine from Sinovac. More countries will follow with their vaccines. But will these vaccines give us back our previous normal lives...!? ...The European of German nationality Long-Haired Natural Redhead White Male Survivor still lives a life between going to work and quarantine and imposed curfew between 9 p. m. and 5 a. m.. Still bought a lot of toilet paper... To freeze for even worse times than today. And after a morning walk through various areas from the city of Darmstadt again, it was time again to going into the bathroom again to making "big business" until the Final Smelly Brown Splash again and to give this year 2020 a end it deserves... Additional information: The Official Trailer and the Short Film of B K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 ; V.I.E.R.: V.irolous I.reparable E.nergy R.eaction" (2020) will be a part of a "COVID-19" (0000) documentary. Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

COVID-19 ; V.I.E.R.: V.irolous I.reparable E.nergy R.eaction…

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Trailer for B. K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 ; V.I.E.R.: V.irolous I.reparable E.nergy R.eaction" (2020). Tagline: V.irolous I.reparable E.nergy R.eaction Status: Complete. Synopsis: What started in the province Hubei in the city of Wuhan from China as a new infectious plague in December '19, spreads now over our planet Earth. And humanity must once again fight together against an invisible little deadly enemy called COVID-19 (stands for Coronavirus disease 2019)… ...After 9 months, our planet Earth is still fighting together against the current plague. More than 1,000,000 people have died worldwide as a result of the deadly lung infection. And people continue to die. Many countries working on a vaccine. And in the last 3 months, hope has finally germinated because vaccines have finally been produced from different countries. ...USA has the "COVID-19" vaccine from moderna, Great Britian has a vaccine from AstraZeneca, Germany has a vaccine from BioNTECH / Pfizer, Russia has the "Sputnik V" vaccine from Gamaleya and also China has a vaccine from Sinovac. More countries will follow with their vaccines. But will these vaccines give us back our previous normal lives...!? ...The European of German nationality Long-Haired Natural Redhead White Male Survivor still lives a life between going to work and quaratine and imposed curfew between 9 p. m. and 5 a. m.. Still bought a lot of toilet paper... To freeze for even worse times than today. And after a morning walk through various areas from the city of Darmstadt again, it was time again to going into the bathroom again to making "big business" until the Final Smelly Brown Splash again and to give this year 2020 a end it deserves... Additional information: The Official Trailer and the Short Film of B K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 ; V.I.E.R.: V.irolous I.reparable E.nergy R.eaction" (2020) will be a part of a "COVID-19" (0000) documentary. Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

Sleep is the Longing for Death (2021) - Offizielle Kurzvorschau -…

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Teaser for B. K.-Z.'s "Sleep is the Longing for Death" (2021). Tagline: Begehren kann über den Tod... ...hinausgehen. / Desire can go beyond Death Status: In Production... Synopsis: Coming soon... Additional information: "Sleep is the Longing for Death" is the first short film of the „Death, Desire & Despair“ trilogy. A The theme "Schlaf ist die Sehnsucht nach dem Tod" is from Funeral Coma and was written and recorded by Funeral Master between 2017 until 2018 at Funeral Home Studio. And can be purchase here: Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

T. R. U. M. P. (2020) - Official Teaser

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Teaser for B. K.-Z.'s "T. R. U. M. P." (2020). Tagline: Coming soon... Status: Complete. Coming soon... Additional information: The Official Teaser and the Short Film of B. K.-Z.'s "T. R. U. M. P. (2020) will be a part of Funeral Master’s "Funeral Coma: Eternal Funeral Places : Part Three" (0000). Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

Thankful Video Statement for Vesuvius International Monthly Film Fest

Dear Viewer, This is the Thankful Video Statement for Vesuvius International Monthly Film Fest because they officially selecting my indie short film "Creature of the Cemetery" (2020) in May '20. Synopsis: Thank you very much to Vesuvius International Monthly Film Fest for officially selecting my indie short film "Creature of the Cemetery" (2020) in May '20. It was a great experience together with all the other great filmmakers to be a part of Vesuvius. In this "Thank you" video I would like to say something in my own words to you... ...But a lonely hysterical raven speaks to me because he wants to be in the sequel! -F. M. Additional information: The Thankful Video Statement will be a part of Funeral Master’s "Funeral Coma: Eternal Funeral Places : Part Three" (0000). Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

Creature of the Cemetery (2020) - Official Short Film

Dear Viewer, This is the Short Film for Funeral Master's "Creature of the Cemetery" (2020). Tagline: ... Status: Complete. Synopsis: "Since the beginning of my German film works of "F. C.: E. F. P. : Part One" over "Rear Funeral Window" and still an animal has jumped in front of my video camera: Squirrel. This is a Dedication to an unintentional collaboration...“ by Funeral Master, 04-19-2020 Additional information: The Official Teaser and the Short Film of Funeral Master's "Creature of the Cemetery" (2020) will be a part of Funeral Master’s "Funeral Coma: Eternal Funeral Places : Part Three" (0000). Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

Creature of the Cemetery (2020) - Official Teaser

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Teaser for Funeral Master's "Creature of the Cemetery" (2020). Tagline: ... Status: Complete. Synopsis: Coming soon... Additional information: The Official Teaser and the Short Film of Funeral Master's "Creature of the Cemetery" (2020) will be a part of Funeral Master’s "Funeral Coma: Eternal Funeral Places : Part Three" (0000). Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

Grave ‘n’ Breakfast (2020) - Official Short Film

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Short Film for Funeral Master's "Grave 'n' Breakfast" (2020). Tagline: ... Status: Complete. Synopsis: Coming soon... Additional information: The Official Teaser and the Short Film of Funeral Master's "Grave 'n' Breakfast" (2020) will be a part of Funeral Master’s "Funeral Coma: Eternal Funeral Places : Part Three" (0000). Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

COVID-19 E.I.N.S.: E.scape I.nto N.ature S.pace (2020) - Official…

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Short Film for B. K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 E.I.N.S.: E.scape I.nto N.ature S.pace" (2020). Tagline: E.scape I.nto N.ature S.pace Status: Complete. Synopsis: What started in the province Hubei in the city of Wuhan from China as a new infectious plague in December '19, spreads now over our planet Earth. And humanity must once again fight together against an invisible little deadly enemy called COVID-19 (stands for Coronavirus disease 2019)… ...On a quiet cold morning in March 2020, a European of German nationality Long-Haired Natural Redhead White Male Survivor escaping the city of Darmstadt from Hesse, Germany to searching for salvation outside in a forest. But what he finds is only a isolated Wilderness of never-ending silence and the coronavirus behind his back. But he breathes, runs and prays for his life. Will he getting an reply from GOD...!? Additional information: The Official Trailer and the Short Film of B. K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 E.I.N.S.: E.scape I.nto N.ature S.pace" (2020) will be a part of Funeral Master’s "Funeral Coma: Eternal Funeral Places : Part Three" (0000). Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS

COVID-19 ; Z.W.E.I.: Z.oogeographically W.eird E.mergency…

Dear Viewer, This is the Official Short Film for B. K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 Z.W.E.I.: Z.oogeographically W.eird E.mergency I.solation" Tagline: Z.oogeographically W.eird E.mergency I.solation Status: Complete. Synopsis: What started in the province Hubei in the city of Wuhan as a new infectious disease in December 2019 spreads now over the world. And the world has one more time a invisible little enemy called COVID-19 (stands for Coronavirus disease 2019) who killing people. ...3 weeks before the current COVID-19 PEST begun to spread from China over our planet Earth. the European of German nationality Long-Haired Natural Redhead White Male Survivor visited a super market to buy only 1 toilet paper package with 8 toilet paper roles for private use only. Then when the coronavirus comes to Europe a new unbelievable phenomenon was born: Extreme Toilet Paper Sales - The real social crisis!!! People buy a lot of toilet paper for their homes. And after a nightly walking tour alone through various areas from the city of Darmstadt, it was time to going into the bathroom to making "big business" until the Final Smelly Brown Splash... Additional information: The Official Trailer and the Short Film of B. K.-Z.'s "COVID-19 E.I.N.S.: E.scape I.nto N.ature S.pace" (2020) will be a part of Funeral Master’s "Funeral Coma: Eternal Funeral Places : Part Three" (0000). Best Regards, B. K.-Z. a.k.a. F. M. COPYRIGHT © 2020 FUNERAL HOME FILMS
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