The Stage 32 Videos: Love_summertime_tv_worldwide_youtube

Ocean City National Marine Park Sea Grass Art exhibition February…

#Plymouth_National_Marine_Park #Sea_Grass_Art_Exhibition show February 2024 #LOVE_SummerTime_TV_Magazine_Worldwide #Chris_Summerfield

Philharmonia Orchestra Esa-Pekka Salonen 11th 5th 2014 Ocean…

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Belem Busker Lisbon Portugal 22nd June

Thanks to great street artists for there music in Lisbon June 2018. Chris Summerfield Video 2018Contact me at ccsphoto12@hotmail.comSponsor me at paypal ccsp...

Sue Rock Artist The Barbican Plymouth

White Lane #Artist_Sue Rock_PL1 2LPThe Barbican Plymouth. Music with thanks Cristian's from Lisbon Portugal.Subscribe, Support share my work through paypal...

TRANSAT bakerly boats. Arriving in Plymouth Sound 24th April…

Thanks To Plymouth Marine TRANSAT bakerly bakerly University of Plymouth,Visit and Dominic in the ribThe Transat has a new title sponsor in the...

#Soperfect #Cameras #Analogue #Film #Plymouth 'Images #Ebrington…

Soperfect Images 55 Ebrington Street #Plymouth #Devon #UK PL4 9AA From April 2021 onwafrdsCamera store in Plymouth, England. analogue Cameras and film stock...

#LOVE_Venice_Italy_Carnival #LOVE_LIfe #LOVE_SummerTime_TV

LOVE_Venice_Italy_Carnival #LOVE_LIfe #LOVE_SummerTime_TVWatch the full series on my channel thanks. Subscribe, Support share my work through paypal at cc...

#Mal_ Norton_Magic_Man The_Smallest_Magic_Shop ? Plymouth…

Subscribe, Support share my work through paypal at thanks. #SummerTime #TV #WorldWide #YouTube Thanks

Ocean City Sea Shanties, at the Barbican Classic boat rally 2012…

Subscribe, Support share my work through paypal at thanks. #SummerTime #TV #WorldWide #YouTube Thanks

Ocean City Food Festival 2021 Music by the Plum Sellers

Ocean City Food Festival 2021 Music by the Plum SellersSubscribe, Support share my work through paypal at thanks. #SummerTime #TV #Wor...

Fire Dancer, Eater, Plymouth Hoe 2015

I met this Guy on Plymouth Hoe early in 2015 Fire eating.The Hoi at night is use for out door communication in a tradition sense in a worldwhere to many peo...

Saint Ives Cornwall Discovering its #Famous #Artists. 16th…

Thanks to Tony Kay MusicRobert Calwick Artist FamilySally MacCabe ArtistRachael Kantaris ArtistSubscribe, Support share my work through paypal at ccsphoto1...
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