How to Produce for Streamers like Netflix, Hulu or Disney+ on the Global Scale

Hosted by Nicholas Levis


On Demand Webinar - Available for immediate viewing and unlimited access.

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Nicholas Levis

Webinar hosted by: Nicholas Levis

Founder and CEO at BrandCinema

Nicholas Levis is a highly sought-after producer known for his hands-on, think-outside-the-box producing style. He has produced content in 30 states and 10 nations. He is frequently called upon by creative powerhouses who know his track record of giving life to even the most complex scripts because of his in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the production process and close industry relationships. Nicholas’s notable career highlights include the highly regarded DNC Hillary Clinton biography he produced for Shonda Rhimes and EUE Screen Gems as well as his SXSW-winning documentary Darkon which is currently being developed into a scripted series. His recent film producer credits include Who Is Christmas Eve? for the Bounce Network and Lionsgate film, Dreamkatcher, starring Lin Shaye, Radha Mitchell, and Henry Thomas. Additional recent globally distributed films include High Strung and High Strung Free Dance, directed by Michael Damian and starring Jane Seymour and Thomas Doherty. Nicholas Levis is the founder and CEO of BrandCinema, a content development and production company for film, television, and digital content. Full Bio »

Webinar Summary

Streamers have committed an incredible amount of money into creating original content – in 2022 alone Netflix committed to $19 billion and Disney a staggering $34 billion. Plus, with production offices popping up around the world – Netflix expanding into Poland and Italy and Disney having a UK outpost - international filmmaking and television making show no signs of slowing down.

In order to meet this demand, more and more streamers are producing local language content and they must find producers to partner with to continue to produce at scale all over the globe. So why do they need producers and how can you work with them?

To take you through the process is Nicholas Levis, who is an international producer that has worked in 30 states and 10 nations, primarily for streaming platforms including Netflix and studios like Lionsgate. 

In this exclusive Stage 32 Next Level Webinar, you will learn that working with the streamers brings a new set of expectations, rules, deliverables and workflow. We will explore those differences and expectations so you can be prepared when your opportunity arises. The skills of being a good producer are rather standard, but once you begin producing for a streamer, it is key you understand how that changes your role as a producer, what the expectations are, and how to most efficiently work with them to truly impress and hopefully get the next job.

You will walk away from this webinar with the first hand knowledge that you will need to succeed in this ever changing world of global television and film!

PLUS! You’ll receive:

  • Downloadable blueprint that breaks down the streamer producing process from pre-production throughout post production


Praise for Nicholas' previous webinars:

"As a mentor at heart, the opportunity to be engaged by this amazing global community at Stage32 makes my teaching webinar sessions feel like I'm learning..." -- Nicholas Levis

"Very genuine educator who obviously knows his stuff. Lots of details to be aware of when making your decisions on filming locations and post - each project is unique - so it's not a standard set of answers." - Susan S. 

"Nicholas gave me life-changing information! My out of state project questions were easily figured out." - Sarah B.

"Such insightful knowledge, tips and tricks of the trade and he made it easy to understand!" - Tom T. 


What You'll Learn

Working With A Streamer

  • What are they looking for in a partner
  • The three types of partnerships
  • The Role of the Producer in these partnerships
  • What the streamer wants to oversee

Why They Need Partnerships

  • The effects of a global footprint
  • The value of a seasoned producer
  • The difference between selling to the streamer and a “work for hire”

What A Producer Can Expect

  • What is your relationship with the Streamer?
  • How are they involved
  • The partners the streamers have to report to
  • What to expect in Development
  • Your role in Production
  • Finishing strong in Post

Producer Responsibilities Specific To Streamers 

  • Overview of expectations and assumed workflow
  • The key to staying ahead of the game
  • Legal
    • The legal repercussions of working with a streamer
    • The legal responsibilities for the producer

 Making The Show/Movie

  • Timelines
    • The streamer timelines and how they affect production
  • Deliverables
    • Understanding the wrap expectations of the streamer
    • The importance of wrap to the show

Q&A With Nicholas

About Your Instructor

Nicholas Levis is a highly sought-after producer known for his hands-on, think-outside-the-box producing style. He has produced content in 30 states and 10 nations. He is frequently called upon by creative powerhouses who know his track record of giving life to even the most complex scripts because of his in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the production process and close industry relationships.

Nicholas’s notable career highlights include the highly regarded DNC Hillary Clinton biography he produced for Shonda Rhimes and EUE Screen Gems as well as his SXSW-winning documentary Darkon which is currently being developed into a scripted series. His recent film producer credits include Who Is Christmas Eve? for the Bounce Network and Lionsgate film, Dreamkatcher, starring Lin Shaye, Radha Mitchell, and Henry Thomas. Additional recent globally distributed films include High Strung and High Strung Free Dance, directed by Michael Damian and starring Jane Seymour and Thomas Doherty.

Nicholas Levis is the founder and CEO of BrandCinema, a content development and production company for film, television, and digital content.


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How You Can Use U.S. Tax Incentives To Fund Your Film

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How to Make Your Script Appeal to Producers During COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine have changed the film and television industry profoundly. Like it or not, we’re thinking about movies differently now, we’re making them differently, we’re selling them differently, and we’re watching them differently. Studios, buyers, and producers are keenly aware of this shift and are applying this to how they are choosing their next projects. As a writer, understanding how the industry is changing and what people are now looking for can make all the difference in being able to take the next steps in your career. With so many new obstacles and challenges now involved in making a film, producers have to weigh a lot more factors when choosing their next projects, including which movies will be safest to put together. Small details in scripts—scenes or moments that might have been no big deal to include as recently as a year ago—might now be all it takes for a producer or financier to reject. So how does production during COVID look like and how can you make your script work and come across as more attractive within these constraints? Let’s take a closer look. Multi Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and author Shane Stanley has worked in almost every capacity on and off the set with hit shows like ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT and SEINFELD and producing films like Sony Pictures’ GRIDIRON GANG a #1 box office hit starring Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. For three years, Shane was Vice President of Sheen/Michaels Entertainment where he produced several motion pictures starring Marlon Brando, Mira Sorvino, Thomas Hayden Church, Donald Sutherland, Marisa Tomei, Sean Penn, John Travolta, and Charlie and Martin Sheen. Shane continues to produce and direct independent films of all levels, including the action thriller BREAK EVEN and action comedy DOUBLE THREAT, currently in production. Shane recently released his book What You Don’t Learn In Film School, which covers filmmaking from concept to delivery and has already landed on required reading lists at several universities across the country. Shane continues to produce films during COVID and is well versed on what it takes to put a film together in this unique time. Shane will dive deep into how producers are operating in the time of COVID-19 and how you can make your script “COVID-friendly” and more attractive for producers to work on. He will begin by outlining how production has changed since COVID, including the biggest new hurdles, new guild requirements, and what’s keeping talent from signing on. He’ll explain what’s making movies more expensive to produce and what locations are now ideal or no longer easy to shoot in. He will next delve into what a COVID-friendly script looks like to a producer. He’ll talk about what kind of stories producers and buyers are seeking out, what red flags in your script will keep producers from signing on and how many characters are too many now. He will also discuss locations as well as the genres and themes that buyers are now gravitating towards. Shane will then discuss how to adjust your script to fit this new era, including deciding whether it’s worth adjusting or saving until things are safer and how to find compromise and middle ground when making changes. Finally, Shane will give you tips on how to get a producer on board during this time. This is a tricky time for everyone, but Shane will give you the lowdown to be smarter and more strategic in finding opportunities and success.

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