Member Since:
December 2016
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About Tyler

Tyler Hoog is a senior Communications Major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As part of the Communications Department’s “invite-only” Writing for the Screen and Stage program, Tyler writes across a range of genres and mediums. He has completed a pilot for an original one hour TV drama, a full length feature film and countless short films, including Over the Shoulder, which received top 16 honors in last year’s national Campus Movie Fest hosted at UNC. He is also a regular contributing writer for UNC Campus TV. In addition to his course work and continually developing his own outside projects, Tyler serves on the Carolina Film Association’s Board of executive producers where he develops and produces short films drawn from the Association’s cadre of writers and mentors new students entering the writing program and the Film Association.

Outside of school Tyler is actively pursuing internships in film. He's currently applying for the Hollywood Internship through UNC which lines up 20 lucky UNC students with internships in LA while they take additional courses through the school. Tyler has already interned at Uptown6 Productions in Colorado. He was responsible for coverage on scripts, development of casting reels for potential actors and actresses, oversight of social media/advertising efforts, and contributing to creative process in the editing room. Along with that, one of the scripts he provided coverage on is currently in post-production.

As a writer, Tyler brings a unique perspective and uncommon insight to his work. A former standout high school athlete, Tyler’s athletic endeavors were cut short by spinal cord injury that left him a quadriplegic. While he remains actively engaged in college life and a range of outside activities, his limited mobility sometimes places him in the role of observer, rather than full-on participant. These instances have afforded him the opportunity to intensely study social interactions and the intricacies of the human condition and bring a sense of reality and authenticity to his work.

Unique traits: Paralyzed from the neck down (technical term C3-C4 spinal cord injury)




  • Mort's Day Off

    Mort's Day Off (2016)
    Film (short) by Carolina Film Associations/Jacob Writer/Producer The Grim Reaper interviews unlikely candidates to take up his cloak and scythe so he can take a much needed day off

  • Doritos: Make a Friend Today

    Doritos: Make a Friend Today (2016)
    Commercial by Sean Crane Writer, Producer, and Actor

  • Some Things are Worth More than Life

    Some Things are Worth More than Life (2016)
    Commercial Writer/Producer

  • South Campus Struggle

    South Campus Struggle (2016)
    Film (short) by UNC STV Actor

  • Over the Shoulder

    Over the Shoulder (2015)
    Film (short) by Carolina Film Associations/Sidney Morris Writer, Producer, and Actor Derek's recently deceased best friends follow him through a day on campus, acting as the devil and angel on his shoulder


  • Long Story Shorts Semi-Finales. Mort's Day Off

  • Top 16 Film: Campus Movie Fest at UNC Chapel Hill

  • The Power of One Making of Dreams Come True Award from R.H.A Howell

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