Boban Kuleski–Czajkowicz (Altr) – 1990 Prilep, Macedonia, lives in Adliswil, Switzerland.
Graduates in 2015 as a theater actor at the University St. Kiril and Metodij, Faculty of Dramatic Arts – Skopje, Macedonia .
Additionally to his theater studies he visited trainings, lectures, conferences, residencies and festivals locally and also internationally in Germany, Austria, Poland and Serbia. During and after his studies he took part in few alternative theater projects, performances and movies as an actor, performer and D-j. From November 2016 till August 2017 he he had lived in Lodz, Poland where he continued with his creative work while he was working as a volunteer in KobieTY organization and House of Culture MDK (Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury Zgierz) in Zgierz, Poland working with kids (after school art activities).
Meanwhile he is experimenting with other forms and medias. He is interested in contemporary art and performance, about the possibilities of the human body and QUEER culture.
(Comedy and Drama)
Actor An underpaid train mechanic gives his father a cake made of stolen marijuana to relieve his cancer pain, but he is cornered by the criminals who are searching for their drugs and the nosy neighbors who want a recipe for the "healing" cake.
Horse Riders
Actor Story that follows the life of handicapped homeless boy and his friends.
by Svetozar Ristovski
an extra Smuggling illegals into Europe, Lazar will be facing an impossible choice.
Faculty of Dramatic Arts