Acting : 3 acting tips: how to produce REAL emotion by Amanda Toney

Amanda Toney

3 acting tips: how to produce REAL emotion

Sam Sokolow

Great tips - every actor should watch this. My favorite quote: "Prepare on what you do have a context for." Really smart.

Ashley Renee Smith

"You can't DO an emotion."- Well said! Performing is so much more nuanced and intentional than that.

Brigitte Millar

I really love this, this is such great advice

Alan Powell

This is exactly what Stanislavsky was practicing with his actors in rehearsals before his death. It’s called Psycho-Physical acting or Active Analysis.

Leonardo Ramirez

Great stuff. Just in time as I prepare for my first voice over in an audio drama. Thanks for sharing Amanda!

Suzanne Bronson

I recommend every actor read Sanford Meisner On Acting. This is exactly what he is talking about. Prepare for the moment before, based on your objective, the emotions are a result of your interaction with the other actor(s) in the scene with you all DOING an action based on their own objective.

Richard "RB" Botto

Man, that's a wealth of actionable information in under 2 minutes. Coming from theater acting, the Let it Go portion really resonated with me. You have to commit and then trust the commitment.

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