Introduce Yourself : A new series on the Casting Process... by Jon Snow

A new series on the Casting Process...

Hi all! I’m Jon Snow. I’m an actor, who who has been a reader for the last three and a half years at various casting offices around Los Angeles. I just started a series about my experiences as a reader in the hopes that I can help anyone else who has ever felt intimidated,or overwhelmed,or mystified by the casting process. If you want to join the journey and conversation, you can find more here: Stay safe! Can’t wait till we can all get back to working again!

Karen "Kay" Ross

For the record, I'd love to be a guest on your show, but I fear I would have shockingly little to say. LOL! However, would you be interested in being a guest on my podcast aimed at giving teenagers a genuine look into the reality of life in the business? You have such a great way of explaining concepts and making it relatable, I think you'd be great!

Jon Snow

Karen, thank you for being so supportive. Really grateful for that! Where can I listen to your podcast? I’m intrigued.

Jon Snow

Nice to meet you Maurice

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Jon. Be great for you to share some of this content and get involved in the Acting Lounge. Seems to me you'd be of great value there, especially to those trying to break in and stay in.

Jon Snow

Thanks Richard! I actually thought that I had posted this in the Acting lounge. So thank you for pointing that out. Didn’t mean to post twice in the Introduce Yourself lounge.

Richard "RB" Botto

Not a worry at all, my friend. Heart is in the right place and I appreciate you taking the initiative to share content and inspire others.

Sandra K. Lynne

Hi Jon! I just subscribed to your podcast! Very nice work, and I am looking forward to following you more. A few of my hidden super powers are editing, script doctoring, and casting. I've never had a real chance to develop them professionally, so I am really looking forward to learning from you.

Jon Snow

Thank you, Sandra! I appreciate that

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