Acting : Actor Callbacks by Tammy Hunt

Tammy Hunt

Actor Callbacks

Getting a callback means that the casting team is intrigued by you and your acting, but they may not be totally sold yet. On top of watching you perform, they might also question you about your acting approach and experience. This is the time to showcase your range, ability to portray your character, and overall skill set.

Expect to perform the same material in the same way as in your first audition—but know that you might be asked to make a few changes, such as reading a scene with different emotion or really diving deep into your character’s personality.

Callbacks often mean performing a scene with another actor so the director can see if you mesh well with others.

The casting director brought you back because your type and performance worked for the character and for the tone of the show. Unless you are given specific notes for the callback, do the exact same performance when you come back in but be open to adjustments.

Don’t get locked into your choices. In a callback, the director, producer, and creative team may have you take an adjustment and try the scene a different way. Spontaneous decisions are your best friend so practice various versions of the audition just to be prepared.

#actor #audition #callback #casting #film #tv

Suzanne Bronson

Thank you again for the great tips Tammy Hunt

Ashley Renee Smith

Excellent insights as always, Tammy Hunt!

Marsy Robinson

love these tips - so true - from a producers perspective as well. unless you're asked to do something different, same performance on a callback - don't get in your own way by trying to impress.

Brigitte Millar

Thank you, very informative

Sam Sokolow

Great callback tips (not that I ever got any when I was trying to act a long time ago :). It's so great to learn from you. Tammy Hunt - thank you!

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