When you just start your acting career and begin to navigate the unknown maze that is your options for acquiring skills as an actor, you really need all the encouragement and support you can get. This, of course, applies to your friends and family foremost because they are your trusted loved ones who are supposed to have your back no matter what. Right? Not always.
If you feel as though everyone you know is negative and just plain doesn’t “get it,” then take a moment and see your choice to become an actor from your family and friends’ perspectives. An attorney, a doctor, an accountant, or another mainstream occupation is more acceptable than what they perceive a struggling artist’s life to be, schlepping from audition to audition unpaid and having to attend classes in order to hone your skill set. Your spouse probably sees your decision to be without the proper consideration for your collective future together.
One of the best ways to deal with possible negativity from your family is to try and understand that they really do have your best interests at heart, and their intentions are good.
When your parents or significant other responds to you with anything other than, “Don’t worry. You’ll book the next role,” or “Hey, can I help in any way for your next audition?” simply display that you’re being responsible and earning a living doing something while pursuing your acting career.
If they do see that you are completely immersed in this career and are busy with every opportunity in moving forward then that shows you are to be taken at your word and they should see your commitment to your craft.
Whatever the outcome of your specific relationships, always think positively and embrace the challenges and adventures as you navigate your way as an actor. This is a truly exciting and invigorating process. You can be a part of evoking emotion from strangers as they sit in front of their TVs or in an audience by making them cry, laugh, get angry, and be entertained. You can make them forget everything for just a moment. Now that is worth more than you know.
#actors #support
6 people like this
Excellent advice, Tammy Hunt. For actors and other creatives!
5 people like this
Thank you Tammy
5 people like this
I like that your approach is to go down the road of understanding their point of view, Tammy Hunt. There's some measure of healing in that as opposed to simply cutting them off and experiencing the added pain that would bring. When it comes to family, I have, fortunately, not had to deal with this as my family cheers me on in whatever I do. But I have had to deal with it in friendships. There I simply learn to let go.
6 people like this
Wow! Thanks for sharing this Tammy Hunt it's right on time and really touching as my Mom just recently dismissed my creative endeavors and asked "Can you make money doing that?" Thanks again! You've helped more than you know!
5 people like this
I always got the response from my parents and teachers, "You need a back up plan." Of course my acting teachers were the opposite. "If you have a plan B than you're not 100% committed to acting and you should not do it."
5 people like this
I love that you're talking about this and providing some perspective, Tammy Hunt. It can be a hard road to walk and many don't have unconditional support from those around them who worry about the difficult obstacles involved.
4 people like this
A great advice I ´ll keep that in mind.
2 people like this
Thanks for the brilliant feedback!