Acting : Caveat Venditor! For your career's sake....keep your ideology to yourself !!!! by Joe Orlandino

Joe Orlandino

Caveat Venditor! For your career's sake....keep your ideology to yourself !!!!

Today I pitched to a vetted, highly accredited (extremely wealthy) investor with a pitch deck. She saw an actress on my 'Seeking Additional Talent' slide. And, because of that actress's outspoken activism on several very hot-button political/social topics. My investor bailed on the project because of it. I believe that making your religion or politics your 'brand' can often times work against you. Keep it on the Down Low. Decide it you want to ACT or change the world. Especially now. A bad day for all concerned. I learned a lesson.

Richard "RB" Botto

How interesting, Joe. We're in the middle of casting a film and there's an A-list actor with a rep of being an outspoken troublemaker who was the top choice of one of the producers. Another producer, having worked with the guy before, quickly keboshed the whole thing. Although your scenario is slightly different, it just goes to show, rep matters.

Christian Pius

That investor is a pass. There would be better opportunities. Ones views should be expressed. Its so sad your investor didn't subscribe to the actresses beliefs.

Joe Orlandino

Christian.... Ahh, sadly, for all concerned, the actress had some very strong (and vocal) religious views. And yes, she had every right to express them. However, you can fill in the blanks and imagine how that played out to an investor who had their own strongly-held beliefs and whose net worth is close nine figures. With the many holdings and exceptional strong financial interests/influence he has in the industry, I think she did not do her career any favors. I was both embarrassed for her and disappointed in her severe lack of business acumen.

Christian Pius

Oh! I can very much imagine. Just believe it, there would be better opportunities. Best wishes to you...

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