Acting : Getting new mic today by Justin Groats

Justin Groats

Getting new mic today

Getting new Microphone today, RODE NTI XLR Microphone. Hopefully this will help my Voice Over career better. I already have a Well Treated Environment, I should have gone with a Condenser Microphone from the Start

Linwood Bell

It will totally help! What mic pre are you using?

Justin Groats

Linwood Bell Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen.

Linwood Bell

That will sound great! I'm sure you'll find some plugins that will work just perfect for you. I let my hardware go a few years ago and I'm just all in the box now as far as vocal recording goes. I'm not even sure if I miss the real pres or not. I've got the Apollo with the 1084 plugin to a LA2A with a U87 and it sounds just as good as when I had 1272's and a ELOP in front of it....I think. lol

Ashley Renee Smith

What made you pick the RODE NTI XLR Microphone?

Justin Groats

Ashley Renee Smith XLR Condenser Microphone, but the RODE NT1 can also do USB

Suzanne Bronson

Justin Groats what kind of computer do you connect it to, will that also work with a phone with the USB?

Linwood Bell

The mic quality you can buy now for a few hundred bucks is pretty amazing these days. Use to be you had to spend a few k to get something to sound that good. During covid I had to do a project for a girl and we were working long distance; me in my room and she in hers. I like to have a vocal if possible so I can hear the phrasing and to know where the holes are that I can then decorate. She recorded the vocal at home with an Apogee USB mic in garage band and it sounded really good. So good that I bought one for my wife’s computer in her office to zoom with. Stuff is getting out of hand.

Pat Alexander

I have a rode and they are wonderful

Niki H

Good choice! It's a top recommendation for beginning/intermediate at home VO work. Let us know what you think of it after you've used it a bit!

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