Acting : Hiring Actors by Joy Morris

Joy Morris

Hiring Actors

Hiring Actors: Can anyone tell me the best place to get myself out to the masses in hopes of booking more work? I had an agent and she passed away. Finding another agent that truly believes in me and submits me for work has been a difficult thing to do. I would be grateful to anyone who could give me advice on where to submit myself to land roles. Lastly, I have 17 + years of acting and tv host experience. Thank you, Joy Morris

Welcome To Joy E Morris!
Welcome To Joy E Morris!
Joy E. Morris- Actress and TV Host
Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Joy, there's a ton of open casting websites out there (including this one), so it really depends on what you're trying to do exactly. If you've found most success working with an agent, then probably landing a new agent would be the highest prerogative for you. One way is to utilize IMDb as a research tool. Since you already have IMDb pro labs access, you may want to utilize their website as a research to landing a website. Let's say you see a character on a TV show that you know you can easily replace or you could possibly do a better job than them. Go to the TV show's listings and find the character's name. Then see who they are represented by. Since IMDb lists all their contact information what's remaining is the leg work. Reach out to them with your referrals, list of casting directors that know you, your resume and a headshot. If your website is up to par, throw that in as well. Some agents will want to know your social media standing as well. Sorry for the long-winded response. I should probably write a blog instead... ;)

Joy Morris

I really appreciate you reaching out to me. I've done what you have suggested for the past 6-8 months. The main problem is getting someone to look at you when your not represented by an agent. The issue with finding an agent is that most of the ones that are really good have a closed roster. The only way to land in their Rolodex is to be brought in by word of mouth. This has actually been my ongoing issue. I decided to start reaching out to others in the business in hopes that there would be a way in that maybe I've overlooked or have not found as of yet. Again I really appreciate you reaching out to me. It means a lot. Joy Morris

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Of course, Joy. I get that. If your current approach is not working I'd recommend taking a deeper look at what it is you're doing, and what info you're sending to these agents. The rosters are never trully closed if you can get in by having the word of mouth effect. Simply put, they're never really closed, period. If you can wow them or impress them in any way, they will consider it. There are many things that could be a factor. Are you headshots fresh and well shot? Is your resume highlighting your career just right? Is your website up to date? Is your bio written in a catchy way? These are all low hanging fruits. Hardest part would be references and list of contacts. The second you mention that this CD knows you well, and you have a recommendation from these people (yup, I'm talking about name dropping here) that gets your foot in the door. The rest is based on your talents. I don't know if is still allowing you to hire someone to help you write your intros, but they definitely list some of their writers contact info. Sometimes it's just a matter of a headline or the email subject.

Joy Morris

You make complete sense! Thank you for giving me your input. I've had everything redone in the past 5 weeks. However, the only thing I haven't thought about that you mentioned is my bio written in a catchy way. That's one area I need to double check on. Again, thank you so much for mentioning all of this to me. I've been in this business for many many years and now that I don't have an agent it's made it a lot harder. Many people have mentioned a manager over an agent. What's your thoughts on this?

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Funny you should ask, I actually have a Matt Newton's article bookmarked from a while ago that I often send to my actor friends: IMHO managers are definitely better, but if you're having problems landing an agent, you should probably still focus on the agent. You have an advantage of having the credits and having all the credentials. I really think you just need to do the research and find out exactly who you want to work with (10 - 15 agencies at most) and keep on sending them your well-packaged stuff (in a non-intrusive way of course). Follow them on social media (if they're there) and if they're on Stage 32 or on Linkedin see if anyone in your network could make an introduction.

Joy Morris

I really appreciate you sending me that info. I actually had already added the ones on social media from the agencies I would like to be signed on by. However, I have not had the luck that I would really like on getting signed. So yes I will be continuing on! LOL! Thank you again for your advice. I do hope to have the opportunity to work with Stage 32 in some capacity. I look forward to hearing back from you more on it all. I hope you also have a great weekend.

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