Acting : What do actors prefer? by Kyle Wilson

Kyle Wilson

What do actors prefer?

How do you as actors like to be pushed and what could make you uncomfortable with a director? And is being uncomfortable good in some cases?

David M. Tribuiani

Kyle, I like brutal honesty. I do not get "butt hurt" if some one critisizes my performance. After all, how can I give a director what they want if they do not tell me. Of course there is a difference between criticsm and being a dick. However, we as actors want to provide the director with a reality of the vision they are trying to accomplish. So I say let them know but do it with the human factor in mind. Criticism is the only way we can master ourselves.

Melissa Bonet

EH I got a away with being other people so long my personalities have the natural skill to be other people. Brain disorder made usefull.

Andrea Ruschin

In my experience the only thing that really makes me uncomfortable with a director is being asked to do something that is not justified in the script. If I have a scene that I'm not hitting well or the director feels I need to attack from a different way, that's absolutely fine -- I'm here to serve their vision at the end of the day. But if it doesn't feel like it's actually warranted by what is happening with the script, that's when I start to have a disconnect with the director. To date it's only happened once with a director who wanted a partially-nude scene for no apparent reason. It was thrown in as a rewritten scene that had very little connection to anything else very early in rehearsal with a director that had never made any real attempt to get to know me prior to that. I had no reason to trust them yet, and no support to make me comfortable with the situation; it was an awful experience overall. I'd done such things before on stage and it was fine because in text there was a great deal of motivation for the character, and I felt very comfortable with the director and with the actor I was acting with so I had no problems with it.

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