Animation : A Toast to 2022! by OB Nwani

A Toast to 2022!

Hello everyone I just want to come up on here and thank everyone for a great 2021 on Stage32! I have met some great people, read some cool articles, and got to pitch my script to several executives. I decided next year to rewrite my animated pilot script with a different name and story. This year I have got good tips and advice on how to make this great idea even better, so I'm gonna spend more time to think about what my script needs more of or less of. Besides all that I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and I hope 2022 will be a wonderful year for all of you guys!

Toby Cochran

Sounds like a great year! Here's to a fantastic 2022, lots of progress and selling some shows!

Sophia Charlotte

Thank You!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Thanks so much, OB Nwani, and a Happy New Year to you as well!

Bob Harper

Happy New Year!

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