Animation : Bluey Is Going On Hiatus! by Ashley Renee Smith

Ashley Renee Smith

Bluey Is Going On Hiatus!

Changes are coming for the beloved animated series, Bluey. What do you think community? Does this seem like another example of how years spent pushing to churn out quality animated content constantly can lead to burnout?

"Bluey will be taking a little bit of a break. There's been no word as to how long the hiatus will last, but the creative team at Ludo Studio will be spending some time away from the series after a rigorous few years. Ludo has confirmed the series hasn't been canceled, but some time is needed to recharge and reset before doing more."

Maurice Vaughan

I hope this break gives the team time to rest and time to think of ways to keep "Bluey" exciting and incredible, Ashley Renee Smith.

Kevin Jackson

I am happy they are getting rest. It's a great series that needs to continue being great. I remember working on a 8 episode series for a Government project. and while each episode was only 3 minutes long for a total of 24 minutes of animation, done over several months. I was soooo burnt out because it was constant, animating, meetings, creative ideation, character designs, background designs, approvals etc. I think I took a few weeks off to recoup.

Daniel Husbands

This points to a really important discussion on work/life balance and the realistic or unrealistic nature of expectations from studios. I think the appetite of content consumption is too high for studios to keep up with demand, and while I'm also a big consumer of content, I've read about the pressure to put out a product at the expense of peoples sanity.

Especially with animated series, the pace should be something that doesn't wipe out an entire team after each season. I remember when you had to wait each week to watch the next episode of shows on tv. Now all that work, the months and months of work (if not years), is watched within a week and the demand for the next season (if the show is good) starts almost immediately.

Hope the team rests up well.

Bob Harper

When they ask me to describe Bluey, I always tell people that it's Seinfeld for the whole family. And like Seinfeld, I think the creator wants to go out on a high note.

Ashley Renee Smith

I completely agree, Daniel Husbands! As a content lover who understands what it takes to bring a great story to the screen, I'm always happy to wait as long as it takes to get more. I love to live within a story world and watch the characters grow, but if you tell me, "It's going to take 2-3 years for us to do it right", then I'll happily wait 2-3 years. I'll wait longer. I just wish more people felt that way and that the market allowed for it.

Ashley Renee Smith

That makes sense, Bob Harper! You dont want to push yourself and end up watering down a great story.

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