Animation : "Embarking on an Arabian Anime Journey with Japan's Masters" by Pamela Jaye Smith

Pamela Jaye Smith

"Embarking on an Arabian Anime Journey with Japan's Masters"

An interesting illustrated article about how Anime is successfully moving into the Arab world with projects reflecting folklore and cultural influences.

Have any of you seen these projects yet? Thoughts on other cross-cultural influences in media and art?

Ashley Renee Smith

This is so interesting, Pamela Jaye Smith! The article mentions that "In many parts of the world, cartoons may be dismissed as kids’ stuff, but in Japan, manga and anime are hugely popular across society." I do think that is slowly evolving here in the US also. With the popularity of anime becoming more mainstream, I feel like the perspective on animated storytelling has been shifting. Streaming services have invested in more animated series that are marketed and aimed toward adults with a reasonable amount of success. It's exciting to think about how the animation industry can continue to evolve over the next 10 years on a global scale!

Maurice Vaughan

I haven't seen any of these projects, Pamela Jaye Smith. I don't watch anime, but I'm thinking about starting. I've heard people talk about how great the stories, animation, and fights are.

Sam Rivera

That’s awesome to hear! Anime has gained so much popularity I’m intrigued to see how the style will translate over!

Pamela Jaye Smith

Thanks, Ashley for that additional information. Good to know. One expects a lot of younger people will want to enter this field, vis-s-vis your "next 10 year on a global sale!"

Pamela Jaye Smith

Me, too, Maurice. I'm a big fan of SPIRITED AWAY and that aspect, but am intrigued to find out more about the genre. It's modern day cave painting, perhaps, given that some people think some cave paintings were meant to be viewed while moving along with a torch so it all seemed animated. Interesting idea, eh?

Pamela Jaye Smith

Me, too, Sam. Please do let us all know what you discover.

Maurice Vaughan

I just looked up SPIRITED AWAY, Pamela Jaye Smith. I've sent that poster on social media a few times. It's on my watchlist now. The first show on my new anime watchlist. :)

Pamela Jaye Smith

Oh, good, Maurice. I hope you really enjoy it. That same filmmaker has some other really good ones, too.

Ashley Renee Smith

Make sure that you add Attack on Titan to your list, Maurice Vaughan. It's my favorite anime series and last I knew, it was all on Hulu:

Maurice Vaughan

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