Coupled with the success of Minions and Inside Out, animation is booming. For the animatos out there - what are you interested in learning to help take your career to the next level?
Coupled with the success of Minions and Inside Out, animation is booming. For the animatos out there - what are you interested in learning to help take your career to the next level?
I am interested in trying to get artists and visual experts to help me pitch my ideas! I wrote 2 feature scripts and 2 TV animated series pilots so I am full of ideas that I feel are good, but I would need to hire someone to draw my characters/world for me! The only alternative is to "borrow" other existing characters and fix them so that they might be close to my vision. I couldn't pay an arm and a leg, but I would love to find talented artists out there!
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Whatcha got cooking, Shannon? Dawn, next year there will be a platform launched that will make this process easier, sit tight and keep writing until then.
Thanks! I just watched an awesome webinar about Writing in Animation (Thank you Shannon!) and Daniel said that after you are done writing the next logical thing is to create art work for a pitch. (Panic!!!!) Can you give me any hints about the platform coming up Laurie? :) Do you think I shouldn't hire anyone right now??
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Hi Dawn, have you tried posting on the Stage 32 Jobs board? You can post unpaid jobs - you might find someone who can work for free with the chance of their work being used and getting a credit or leading to a collaborating.
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Hi Dawn - The platform is here: they won't be launching until next year at siggraph. It all depends what you want art for, you don't need it for a pitch, you would only need it if you were going for a studio presentation. The reality of animation is unless you are an artist/director, the story world and characters get designed by those in that position at the studio that is producing it. If you have a good story it will pitch without the art. If you do post for a job here or look for an artist elsewhere, the most you would need is something for a one-sheet. I've put art on the script covers for animation specs to great success but otherwise you really don't HAVE to have it. Best of luck.
Thanks Laurie!
Great idea Shannon!! I just now saw your post because it was hiding! Thank you!
Steven, much depends on what you want to do. If you are a screenwriter that just happens to have an animation script then all you need to focus on is telling the best story possible, without worrying about budget and process. If you want to get into the animation industry as a story person, writer, director etc. then you would have to show an artist portfolio -- and most likely come from a college that specializes (there are cases where interns who have no college experience but a strong portfolio have been hired on but it's rare). Point is everyone in the trenches (aside from the screenwriter) starts as an artist. In NY there are plenty of schools that may be able to help you out if that's what you want -- SVA is very popular.
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Nothing wrong with that, Steven. My degree is in advertising and journalism.
Hi Steven, it's not a book but we had a great webinar on writing for animation. I believe the instructor goes over the next steps as well once your script is made. You can read more about it and sign up to watch it here: I hope that helps!!