Hello there, I am editing my new short film and in the film I have creatures that are similar to that to zombies. To differentiate my 'zombies' from traditional ones I wanted to use a new kind of visual representation and i took heavy inspiration from Batman Begins Fear Effect seen throughout the film. I am trying to recreate it only problem is I have no idea where to start. I've read on several places that the effect could possibly be recreated in after effects and I was wondering if anyone knew a type of methodology to handle this kind of task. To understand what I'm trying to go for here is the link to the effect: https://vimeo.com/1602449 I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks everyone.
Hi Andres - you might want to network with Ruan Lotter - he's pretty versed in this and can probably help or point you to help :)
Thank you so much!