Animation : Seeking children's animator by Linda Gudrunar

Linda Gudrunar

Seeking children's animator

Hi, I have six children stories I have written and I am looking for experienced animator to work with me. Can any of you tell me where I can find animators or pitch it to companies who produce children's material? The stories are educational and entertaining of course. It will either be a paid job or joint production.

Thanks in advance,


Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Linda Gudrunar. Nice to meet you. You can also post an ad for an experienced animator in the Job Section (

Kevin Jackson

You should try to attend Kidscreen. Great space to find companies looking to develop animate series for kids. What styles do you have in mind for these series?

Linda Gudrunar

Hi Kevin, I'll look into Kidscreen, thanks. I wrote the six stories as book series, but I think it's a better fit for TV. Maybe I need to have a discussion with someone experienced in the industry and figure out how to approach it. I'm not a professional in film or TV. I am an international law professional, but write on the side ;) so, I"m swimming in the deep end here :)

Kevin Jackson

I would say if you have them as books that is a great start as many companies like to take on property that already has traction. As you've noticed not much original is being made. They are making things that are already books, comics, web series, podcasts etc. because they already have a proven audience and are seen as less of a risk. So do not shy away from self publish the books and growing your audience. It will always be easier to walk into a room saying "I have 5 volumes of a book series and I have sold 10,000 copies". It means they have less work to do publicizing and profit has a stronger chance of happening..

Shellie Schmals

Hi Linda Gudrunar - so nice to meet you! I suggest reaching out to one of our Stage 32 Thought Leaders, Brian Smith, he's a Production Manager, Screenwriter and Script Consultant in animation, and has worked for Dinsey, Pixar, etc.

Brian's profile >>

Logan Benson

Twitter is a great platform to find talented and experienced animators who are looking for work. There are a number of hashtags you can use to target animators, such as #animationjobs, #animatorswanted, and #animatorforhire.

Shellie Schmals

Hi Linda Gudrunar -how is your search going?

Linda Gudrunar

Hi guys, thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my request and I'm so sorry for my late reply. I have a day job, I work within law enforcement and I've been swamped at work... can't keep two thoughts in my head at the moment :) I'll take your advise under consideration and hopefully in a few months I can return to my childish creative mind. Lots of love and thank you again <3

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