Animation : Storyboard Software in the Industry? by Abraham Becker

Abraham Becker

Storyboard Software in the Industry?

I'm an Illustrator who's learning to Storyboard, and I'm hoping I can collect some knowledge from the community to make a smart choice in direction for the future.

Context: My style can go in 1 of 2 directions - Sci-fi or Fine Art meets folk tale. I was really impressed with the animation in Spiderman Miles Morales, Song of the Sea, Klaus, and Kubo and the Two Strings. I love to use traditional media like oils and acrylic, collage, and sculpture, and bring those elements into my electronic work. I'm a painter at heart, so that's something that will always be a part of me.

Question: I've been using Photoshop and Illustrator for quite a while, but it's such a pain to keep moving frames around when I need to rearrange. I've checked out Boords (a bit simpler than I wanted), StoryBoard Pro (learning curve), and have landed on Storyboarder because it's easy to use and that shot generator is well, very very compelling.

Would anyone who is working in the industry currently be willing to share some advice on tools of the trade that I would need to master?

Bob Harper

The last few TV productions I have worked on all used Storyboard Pro. A lot of feature guys work in Photoshop.

Simon Turnbull

Storyboarder is unreliable. I've given it a go on a couple projects and it just stopped working a few scenes in. Something to do with the way it hooks into photoshop.

Doing frames and then moving them around manually in PS or similar gets old REAL quick. Storyboarding is fast, you'll never have time.

Just bite the bullet and learn Storyboard pro. As software goes the learning curve is nothing.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Ooo, I LOVE this shop talk! Imma see if I can get some more people to chime in. If you can't tag people, then you can send them the link to this post. I'd love to hear from more animators!

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