Animation : Voice actor looking to do more animation work... by Terry Anderson

Terry Anderson

Voice actor looking to do more animation work...

Hello Stage 32 animators! My name is Terry Anderson and I am a Voice Character Actor from San Antonio, Texas. My accomplishments in Voice Over include recordings for Black & Decker, Wonka Candies, The US ARMY MTR Program and RRY publishing's OTW Pod Casts to name just a few. I am currently the "voice" for Rocktagon MMA online, The San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce award ceremonies and countless PSA commercials for Texas based media companies. I have been fortunate enough to work on a few game apps as well. (I need a Hero, Legacy of Transylvania, Sky Adventures, etc..) My favorite job to date has been narrator for the short 2D animated film "Is there anyone out there?" by acclaimed writer/director Jonathan Hal Reynolds and drawn by Disney animator Greg Peters. A link to our progress can be seen here: I am passionate about my driven goal to land a spot on an animated series someday. As I have been working diligently towards that very goal for many years now and I know soon I will get the opportunity. I am hoping Stage32 will help me to reach that goal. I have a very wide range of character voices that I can utilize for clients and pride myself in giving each project my full attention and professionalism. I have a full studio and edit all of my work for clients expeditiously, yet with care. I have current, searchable referrals from clients all over the world. America, Russia, India, Japan, etc... and I am grateful to them all for putting their faith in me for their projects. Thank you for your time everyone! Below is a link to my work and a presentation. Terry Anderson - Voice Over Texas

Voice Overs by Terry Anderson
Voice Overs by Terry Anderson
Here is a small animated presentation describing my Voice Over abilities, current equipment and dedication to professionalism for my clients. - Wideo
Daniel Fraser

Hi Terry, I have a small animation and video production business called 3D Art FX. I would like to connect with you because projects come up from time to time where narration or voice over is needed. My website is

Terry Anderson

I can not wait to see your work and start a business connection with your team. Thank you.

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