Anything Goes : Stallone goes Kickstarter by Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto

Stallone goes Kickstarter

An investor falls out. Stallone and co. turn to the public to raise 250K

Robert Hadley

I am getting sick of this. These people need to stop using crowd funding and leave what is meant to help us small guys alone.

Dennis Melton Hodges

wow smh...

Chris Leonard

I think there's a need for a crowdfunding website that does financial background checks on those credited in the production, and if anyone has over a certain amount of money, they can't use that site. So we can have a crowdfunding site for Veronica Marrs type projects, where people can vote with their dollar, or fans of Spike Lee can vote, but a separate crowdfunding site for true indie films.

Sean Patrick Burke

Why do these people need to "Stop using crowd funding"? That is a rather obtuse statement. If you don't want to back these folks, guess what? You don't have to. It is rather simple. The film industry has been hit with a wall these past years in terms of financiers investing the copious amounts of money they used to. I am not talking about the Blockbusters, but even the Indie films are being trumped right now. What is wrong with them using crowd funding? Criticize all you want, but if you had a celebrity back your projects, you would be thrilled and would likely get your funding needed.

Harry Johnquest

If it's not a worthy project (bad investment) Stalone will not invest 250K of his own money, or ask friends/neiighbors to invest. Is this too obvious? I hope I'm wrong.

Theresa Chaze

They are legitimatizing the crowd funding and making more people aware of how it works. Instead of crowing, you should be thanking them. They are bring more money to the table.

Antonio Ingram

Wow you got a got point when I think about it Harry. That last action film he was in did not do too well either. I suppose we will see what happens with this though.

Curtis Kessinger

I think if the donation amount equals what you get for it then I don't have a problem with it. I can understand people paying Spike Lee $5 for his autograph or $25 for a T-Shirt...that is reasonable. I think most people have a problem with Stallone, because of his net worth of approx. $250 - 300 million and won't put a dime of his money in this. They are offering the DVD for $35, which I think is overpriced...and I choose not to donate to him...nor will I see the film as my way of protesting. But for those who want to feel like they are part of the film...more power to you. However, I am looking for donations for my kitchen remodel, and for $50 I will invite you over and feed you breakfast. Thank you for your kindness.

Curtis Kessinger

I was only teasing of course...but people are getting their shorts all in a bunch. You have to look at this as one Most people never heard of Kickstarter so now the Braff and Spike and Stallone have brought this to national/world headlines and almost everyone is talking about Kickstarter. The little guy with no contacts and no email lists and no following now has a better chance of being found, because Kickstarter is becoming well known. Me...I'll shoot my films with my own money...low big time stars...whatever. I donate to small unknowns like little guy Adrian Barker, when he lets me know he has his campaign running. I'm not giving Spike or Braff or Stallone a penny...not even at the box office.

Pat Savage

I'm not giving Spike or Braff or Stallone a penny...not even at the box office either. What chance does the little guy have if Rocky is going for crowd funding.

Melody Brooke

I agree, Pat, if those guys start using crowd funding when they already have access to large investors, it breaks the whole system.

Curtis Kessinger

I think many of us are asking the wrong question. It's not how can we compete with the big boys and girls? We are always competing with them for finanacing, cast, crew, distribution. The real question is how can I stand out so I get noticed, which has always been the big question in this industry. The big boys and girls bring new people into the Kickstarter arenaand new attention. I've had 3 people ask me recently, "What is Kickstarter?" They heard about it, because of all the stink caused by Spike and Braff and Stallone getting into it. Whether we like it or not we are competing with the best. There are no minor leauges unless you consider playing the festivals the minor leagues...and even then there are big time films playing. In order to get our films into a theater, our films are competeing with the best in the business. Don't feel like we can't compete or we are finished. Might as well go home. Get excited about the opportunities. Get fired up! Go for it! No excuses.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Wow. Great comments! Everyone has made strong points. Me, I'd have to agree with Lyse, Curtis and Sean. Kickstarter is for everyone. Period. If you don't wish to support a project, then don't. Cynicism is so unbecoming. Come on guys, you are better than that! However, I do admit Stallone using Kickstarter does make my stomach turn. To me it's more a matter of doing something in poor taste. I mean, doesn't Sly have 250K in his wallet alone?

Beth Fox Heisinger

...well, there's more to it than that, apparently the cast for 'Reach Me' is working for nothing and have already done John Herzfeld lots of favors. So, I think it sounds like they've already asked everyone to give as much as they can to the project. All the information is on Kickstarter.

Beth Fox Heisinger

I found some more information... I believe using Kickstarter to fund the post production of 'Reach Me' was actually the choice of John Herzfeld (director) and the producers, not Stallone. Stallone and the other cast members are helping to promote it.

Sean Patrick Burke

Everyone who is whining about this, Spike Lee, Zach Braff, etc. need to stop. They should not have to put up millions of their own money to make movies. That is not, nor how this industry will ever run. You all should know this.

Harry Johnquest

When the fat cats take food meant for kittens, the kits go hungry. People do spend milions of their own monies to make movies.

Michael McCoy

Amen to that.....but I am of the opinion that the people who give these Millionaire celeb's their money, without a R.O.I. because of name recognition are at fault more so than these sly villains....Pun intended.

Patrick "pH" Hampton

My only question is the incentives because if they are right you will own a proper piece of movie history

Shanika Freeman

Crowd funding is for everyone. If you have a problem with it, don't contribute. It isn't making 'the little guy' less known or less of a film maker. No one owes any of us, anything. We all have to work for it. Everyone can be wealthy and successful, we just have to stop pointing fingers, stop making excuses and stop pulling other people(who happens to be richer than you) down. Obviously the backers doesn't have a problem w. donating their money to Spike Lee, Stalone and others, so what is the problem? I have to ask 'how much money(or support) is too much? Bottom line: Everyone has the right to promote and ask for support as long as it isn't hindering another human being.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Okay.... Please take a moment to look over the Kickstarter web site. Get the facts! Specifically, read their guidelines; Actually take a look at the 'Reach Me' project page; This project is being produced by independent producers -- not the big studios. Therefore, this project has every right to be there. Yes, it totally sucks to see someone extremely rich promoting a project, but again, THE CAST IS WORKING FOR NOTHING and that is how they are "giving funds" to the project. For what it's worth, it's not funding well anyway...

Kamran Khan

Isn't this a similar debate as the "no one likes remakes, sequels, non-original screenplays, reboots, super hero movies, etc."? And yet remakes, sequels, non-original screenplays, reboots, and super hero movies, etc. keep making a money. Sure there are failures but not enough for the model to change. Complaining and then going to see the movie defeats the purpose. It's the same thing with all the VMA/Miley outrage. Why be so outraged if you keep clicking on the links? The problem isn't with the Remake/Sly/MTV/etc., if you are someone who does have a problem with any of those, the problem is with the people backing them.

Chaz Harris

A lot of the time actors don't get paid much for films at all - Clooney hasn't taken his full wage since The Perfect Storm so I think there is the perception a lot of them get paid much more than they really do. These actors are not funding the film, this is still an indie film being backed/supported by a cast of known actors - why should they have to PAY to be in the film when they are already using their names to help these guys get their film made? Similarly, I do agree with the fact that it's odd that Kickstarter are allowing this and Zach Braff's film on their site - Slated seems a better place for projects when the creative forces behind it are Zach Braff directing etc.

Tom Paini

Okay folks!.. Things are getting heated and a bit bitter.. Let's try and get back to the pro's and con's of the debate.. I know some posts I've read support the idea of old Sly using it.. Fair enough, that your opinion, and people here on S32 should respect it.. (But).. It's also fair to say, that many other opinions differ in who should have a crack at it.. And those very same opinions should also be respected.. We're all here on S32 to help each other.. Not to fight... If someone like Stallone sees an opportunity to grab some free publicity, who the hell are we to argue.. We'd all do the same!.. And not one of you (my colleagues), here on this site would argue with that.. (but I'll wait and see)

Sean Patrick Burke

Tom, I didn't think this was getting heated and bitter; but to each his/her own. People will always try and find a way to be anti-Hollywood and all that it encompasses, but once they get their time, they are all for it. I have worked on some big shoots and I have worked on some indie productions. They all function very similarly and these arguments about Kickstarter are ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with "The big dogs" utilizing a platform for raising money. No one should have to put up their own money for a project, especially if they aren't getting full rate for it!

Tom Paini

I totally agree Sean.. Don't get me wrong.. I like the idea.. I just thought as I read, some of our friends were getting a bit heated.. P.S. I've worked on some big shoots as well, and I couldn't agree more with you, Having seen it with my own eyes "once the world turns in your favour, then everything else don't matter.." The Kickstarter argument is nonsense.. More bloody power to you, if you get your project off the ground in the first place..

Tommy Bull

I find it sad to work my Butt off here in LA to put a Great Action Feature Film together to shoot here and I tried to file for a Tax Incentive here and was shot down telling me there isn't any So I am taking the Project to another State that will. Sad part of this is I wanted so hard to Employee locals here as I'm in the same boat. I came here from NYC and a Graduate from NYU Film School doing what we in the Industry did. Came he for the Business Breaks my Heart to have to leave here to do what we came here to do. Tommy Bull High Kick Productions Inc.

Tom Paini

Sad to say Tommy, it's an all to common theme with tax incentives, both in the USA and UK.. But happily!.. Things are on the change, here, this side of the pond.. Mind you, that's only after some massive productions went else where to film.. To which.. Many people got so pissed at this UK Goverment, they started bringing back in the breaks..

Beth Fox Heisinger

Adrian, Kickstarter is about seeking funding for a PROJECT. That's it. Not for personal gain. Again, the actors involved with this project are working for NOTHING. They have given a lot to this project. The director and the producers are seeking help with the post production costs.

Armando Alejandro

Crowd funding should be for the little guys...

Beth "Bhadra" Barrows

Why should crowd funding be just for the little guys? I disagree.

Beth "Bhadra" Barrows

Little guys can become big guys with time, patience and hard work. Opportunities are all around if a person is willing to perceive and seize them.

Armando Alejandro

I think priority should be for the up and coming folks.

Sean Patrick Burke

Since when did Kickstarter become a charity? It is a business. This industry is a business. If you want a hand out, get into another line of work. If you can't take the fact that other artists and people are utilizing resources like crowd funding, than I don't know what to tell you.

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