Read a Good Book Lately? : What’s on Your Fall Reading List? by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

What’s on Your Fall Reading List?

Hi, creative community and book lovers! Hope everyone’s having a wonderful week! What’s on your fall reading list? I’d love to hear your recommendations!

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm currently reading The Crescent City series by Sarah J. Maas! I'm on the first of the three books now.

Next up on my list for this fall will be The Serpent and the Wings of Night, as well as The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King by Carissa Broadbent. They're waiting not so patiently on my nightstand. Lol!

Suzanne Bronson

I'm reading Spiritual Partnership by Gary Zukov

Rutger Oosterhoff

Reading "Writing the second act" by Michael Halperin

Sydney Summers

Thank you, Ashley, Suzanne, and Rutger, for sharing the books on your fall list! I’m excited to check them out and add them to my reading list this season!

Suzanne Bronson

i'm also listening to Matthew McConaughy read me his book Greenlights.

Sydney Summers

Will add that to the list as well, thanks Suzanne!

Nancy Golden

If you enjoy fantasy - I hear the Dynamis series by Nancy Golden are a lot of fun ;) Alien Neighbors got a recommended review as well :) Happy Reading!!

Ashley Renee Smith

My husband and I listened to that audiobook on a road trip last year, Suzanne Bronson! It made us laugh a lot. We really enjoyed it!

Annie Marie Burdeos

Last book I read was The Book of Elsewhere a one off by China Mieville who played in the sandbox of Keanu Reeves' imagination. The novel crosses multiple genres among them science fiction, military thriller, fantasical elements, differing points of view, existentialism . I'd describe it as being absurdist science fiction. This was my first exposure to Mieville's fiction and while his prose can be dense, it can serve as an introduction to his other tales . He is not to everyone's liking.

While Mieville physically put pen to paper, Reeves created the character B, an 80, 000 year old warrior who questions what it means to die. B is immortal who lives a blood soaked existence.

But Reeves has larger concerns in mind and strives to answer the questions Who are we? Why are we here? Does this Life have meaning? And as Queen so eloquently sang Who Wants To Live Forever? And while most of us would answer a resounding yes! Would we really? And how you respond says more about you than the ultraviolent B. (The violence did not bother me but for some it can be upsetting)

Ashley Renee Smith

That sounds awesome, Annie Marie Burdeos! I've never read China Mieville's work before. I'll have to check it out!

Sydney Summers

Will be adding as well Annie :) I'm intrigued!

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