Cinematography : Favorite Scenes or Shots in Film? by Sam Rivera

Sam Rivera

Favorite Scenes or Shots in Film?

I love seeing what others consider their favorite scene or shot in a film, whether it was a technical aspect or a visual aspect, I'm curious to know!

Nick Phillips

oh my god Sam Rivera, where to even start! SO many coming to mind, but i'll give you one from a movie that I recently re-watched. The scene where they strike oil in There Will Be Blood is like an amazing short film in and of itself. The magic hour photography, the period details, the choreography of the actors and background, the sound design, the score by Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead, they all combine to create a tense and powerful sequence. But yes it's all photographed exquisitely by the phenomenal DP Robert Elswit, who took home an Academy Award for his efforts on the film.

John January Noble

Sam Rivera Não sei dizer qual é o melhor, PORQUE EXISTEM ALGUNS FILMES COM CENAS BRILHANTES! Mas, dois filmes onde foi uma cena marcante. O PODEROSO CHEFE EM CENA: QUER SER MEU AMIGO? Depois temos O SILÊNCIO DOS CORDEIROS com a entrevista da detetive CLARICI STARLING com o DR KILLER, HANNIBAL. Ambos com lindas fotografias, músicas e discursos.

Maurice Vaughan

One of my favorite shots is when Neo leans back in "The Matrix," dodging bullets in slow motion, Sam Rivera.

Nick Phillips

Totally agree about the Clarice and Lecter scenes John January Noble. Such subtle and unnerving camera work and compositions in these sequences. Alot of shots with the actors looking straight down the barrel, right into the lens, to convey their direct engagement and with each other, and then at times the camera will move higher or lower to reflect who has the upper hand in their back and forth. You almost feel it more than see it.

John January Noble

Nick Phillips Exactly, you can't take your eyes !

Marsy Robinson

Sam Rivera opening scene to In the Bedroom is everything to me! and ugh... tom wilkinson :(

John Michael German


Some below I think are classic and iconic:

Acting, music, scenario, all involved - memory remains:

"The Warrior":


"The Avengers":

Gratitude within your path.

God Bless,

John German

Ashley Renee Smith

I have a few- the Whats Up Danger scene in Spider-Verse, the car scene in Children of Men, the Tiny Dancer scene in Almost Famous, Ripley's final showdown with the Xenomorph queen in Aliens, and the skateboard car chase in the first Back to the Future.

Sam Sokolow

So many to choose from... hard to beat the opening shot of Orson Wells' A Touch Of Evil. Or any shot in Mad Max: Fury Road. Birdman was so groundbreaking. And totally down with Ashley Renee Smith on the final showdown of Aliens and the Back To The Future skateboard chase. Then chases alone, there's the French Connection, Bullitt and Against All Odds. Wow - this is tough!!!

Debbie Croysdale

@Sam I’m a fan of Vintage Noir black & white with dream sequences, odd or distorted camera pans & bold visceral close ups on innermost sanctum of character. Vertigo/The Third Man/Casablanca. Hall of mirrors in Lady from Shanghai. Modern dream sequence in The Green Mile was pretty amazing. Also enjoy epic cinema establishing/long shots Lawrence of Arabia, The African Queen, Kingdom of Heaven, Deliverance. Interestingly John Boorman showed me how he froze the camera when antagonists introduced. Before that been river trip. Could carry on but will leave it here!

Sam Sokolow

Debbie Croysdale - love so many of the films you mentioned!

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