Cinematography : How We Got iPhone 15 to Look Like an 8K Cinema Camera - Strada by Florin Şumălan

Florin Şumălan

How We Got iPhone 15 to Look Like an 8K Cinema Camera - Strada

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

This was a very good video. A bit on the technical side. Wish he would have discussed, shown, filmmakers getting started how to do things. Many will not be able to afford the tech-add-ons used in the video.

Sam Sokolow

It really in amazing the power that phone cameras have these days. Agreed that the add-ons can be costly but the raw capacity of these phones as a tool to make films is remarkable.

Sam Rivera

What a great video Florin Şumălan ! iPhone cameras have been proving to be great to shoot with!

David Abrookin

Fascinating! It always blows my mind how people are able to shoot entire movies on iphones now.

Pat Alexander

I tried this on my iPhone 7 and it doesn't work the same!

Stephen Folker

Putting things in laymen terms...the type of camera you use is irrelevant. What makes an image look cinematic is not the fact they put an iPhone in some oversized cinema rig and had a full sized crew. Rather it was professionally lit, and had some interesting movement. That being said, even an entry level DSLR from 10 years ago will give you a more cinematic look with proper lighting. The reason why, lenses. Lenses create unique compression / bokeh that an iPhone won't replicate. However, if all you have at your disposal is an iPhone or GoPro, then go make a movie. Just remember, your work isn't going to look like something you see on YouTube done by seasoned professionals. It's the creator / their skill level.

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