A few weeks ago I realised it's been ten years since my first time working on a film set. In that time I've definitely made progress up the cinematography ladder - by my estimation, having started at...
Awesome, Landis! I'm sure many here will benefit from your wisdom and experience. LOVED #109 - As my very wise mother used to say "Be happy for other peoples' success/beauty/talent, etc.. - There's enough to go around!" Also love the spirit of equanimity - treating ALL others with equal respect, while remembering that your success depends largely on your reputation and work ethic, not who you know. The technical tips are priceless as well. Thanks so much for your generosity of spirit!
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Awesome, Landis! I'm sure many here will benefit from your wisdom and experience. LOVED #109 - As my very wise mother used to say "Be happy for other peoples' success/beauty/talent, etc.. - There's enough to go around!" Also love the spirit of equanimity - treating ALL others with equal respect, while remembering that your success depends largely on your reputation and work ethic, not who you know. The technical tips are priceless as well. Thanks so much for your generosity of spirit!
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Great list! Thanks for sharing!