Cinematography : What is Cinematic? by Luciano Mello

Luciano Mello

What is Cinematic?

The term Cinematic is one of the most used, if you do a search on the platforms you will find a huge variety of meanings, I find this very interesting, Cinematic has become such a popular term but at the same time so open to interpretation. for some, it is the sheer beauty of images and for others is the complexity of film language and science. What does Cinematic mean to you?

Andrew Sobkovich

Cinematic is a term I only ever see in a couple of places. Advertising and in certain types of postings. It is far too general a term to be of any specific use in a discussion of actual production. Never ever heard it used on set . Never heard it in planning meetings. Never even had one of the kiddies ask if there was an app for that.

Advertisers mostly should know better and they do. When I see the term I immediately know the ad is not aimed at people working in the industry. This came to mind when I received an email from a major lens manufacturer that included:

“The cinematic look provided by the lens family”…

Meaningless prose, even though I like the lenses in question. But it did remind me of this question.

As it is a term I have no reason to use, the closest I get is in explaining specific details of shots or sequences that are more appropriate to display on big screens in darkened theaters at proper viewing distances, than on televisions in a home setting with a compromised viewing environment, i.e. in a Cinema or not. So I suppose that if the primary intent of some project is to be displayed in a Cinema, then we can only hope that some of the elements actually achieve being “cinematic”.

Amanda Toney

Wonderful question. Cinematic to me is a feeling, a visual interpretation of a story when I watch it that evokes so many emotions.

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