Composing : Original Score for Silent Goodbye - horror short by Megan McDuffee

Original Score for Silent Goodbye - horror short

Hello Composer community! I just finished scoring an indie horror film, Silent Goodbye; I decided to put the whole soundtrack into one video so people can listen to the entire score. If you want some creepy atmosphere, have a listen :) The film should be out later this year. (my main site)

James David Sullivan

A lonely water tower on a gloomy day - an empty street - a really creepy guy starting at me ... and there's lots more!

James David Sullivan

Nice music!

Megan McDuffee

Thanks James :) Much appreciated

James David Sullivan

You are very welcome!

Thomas Gentry

I loved the diminished suspended minors on the piano; a few very cool and interesting chord changes. I also loved that you carried the basic melody throughout the score. I love the idea of a running theme for my own screenplay. I had been using some tracts from enrico rava, that reminds me a bit of some of your score...very cool..well done.

Megan McDuffee

Thanks Thomas! Yeah, I was going for a leitmotif or John Williams inspired thematic-ness.

John William Doryk

Very Nice, Megan. Very atmospheric.

Megan McDuffee

Thank you John :)

Brian H Shaw

Megan -that's a nice file --lots of examples of your scoring prowess; I was very impressed by the stills -- are they by a still photographer that worked on the Horror short, or stills pulled from the digital copy of the short itself ( and thus by the DP)? You might consider a slightly shorter version of your reel on this - probably don't need the second section of "Shop", for example, already made your point by then; nice job at 4:15 and 8:15... very powerful mood shifts there...Brian

Megan McDuffee

Thanks Brian. You're totally right; the shop part doesn't need to repeat :) I appreciate the feedback. Actually, all the photos were stock images I found that fit the mood of the score. The film itself is still in post, so until it's ready I found these images to go along with the music.

Brian H Shaw

Megan, they're really ramped up the quality on the stock selections -- as a magazine editor I used iStock and Getty fairly often, but never saw quality at that level that was affordable. Nice to see a screener of your short when possible...B

Megan McDuffee

Sure thing! Also, the stock images I used were totally free. There's a great site and I just searched for what I needed:

Brian H Shaw

I'll check that one out for sure... enjoy your weekend. B

Megan McDuffee

Thanks, you too.

Kirk Johnson

Nice work Megan, hope we can work together some time :)

Megan McDuffee

Thanks Jim, appreciated. Yeah, I normally use a combo of EWQL and LASS for strings. Seems to work pretty well! Good job - your re-score has a similar flavor to the original, but is still unique.

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