Composing : Today's AMA - Alan Brewer in the Post-Production Lounge by Sam Sokolow

Sam Sokolow

Today's AMA - Alan Brewer in the Post-Production Lounge

Hey everyone - Alan Brewer, a veteran music supervisor whose worn just about every hat in the music-for-movies/TV arena, is hosting an AMA for the next 24 hours in the Post-Production Lounge. Alan has worked on everything from TOKYO POP to David Bowie’s ZIGGY STARDUST & THE SPIDERS FROM MARS. If you want to know anything about how music gets into films or TV shows for your own projects I highly recommend asking Alan your questions.

Here's a link to Alan's AMA so you can hop in and ask him anything:

Alan is also hosting an exclusive Stage 32 webinar on Friday, January 5th called THE FILMMAKER’S GUIDE TO MUSIC IN MOVIES THAT you don't want to miss. Here's a link to his webinar so you can check it out and register for it:

Elena Maro


Maurice Vaughan

Incredible AMA! I'm learning a lot!

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