If been pushing hard for FB LIKES on my Mini-Series Project and wondering what any of you feel about whether or not that can really help a project launch. Pro or Con? Thankyou Ken Belsky / www.facebook.com/inplainviewfilm
If been pushing hard for FB LIKES on my Mini-Series Project and wondering what any of you feel about whether or not that can really help a project launch. Pro or Con? Thankyou Ken Belsky / www.facebook.com/inplainviewfilm
Thankyou Chris and Lynn. Chris: Not sure where you got 24,000 Likes figure. We're approaching 1200 FB LIKES in 2 months thru social media FB/T and direct email promotion. There is as of yet, other than some actor test footage, nothing "in the can". Interest being generated on commerciality of the idea. Lynn: What you say makes practical sense as I see it. Right now we're creating buzz/fanbase through crowd sourcing/email. Was planning to use ever amassing # of FB Friends to promote project at strategic "events" along the way to launching production Ken Belsky /www.In-Plainview.com
If all you're looking for is likes, no. You have to provide something of value to keep them engaged and respond to your community in a timely manner. Otherwise, unless it's Katy Perry, Marvel, or a resonating star featured, people will unlike faster than they liked. Social media is a community of real people who want something in return: respect. Engage them, entertain them, make them laugh, wow them, and they will carry you through all of their networks. Bore them and only try and sell them and they will bolt from your page.
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Chris, I was tasked to help a comic company over the four-day period when they were at Comic Con. Their Facebook grew from 3,000 to 30,000. The subsequent momentum pushed them to over 100,000 in short time, but they were also working on some very high profile and easily "sellable" projects. However, after they didn't follow through. I noticed their numbers dip and stagnate after a while because they weren't engaging their fans. There were other networks they could have also killed at if they had just did half of what I suggested. They stopped posting on Facebook regularly (last post was February 9). You can lead them to the platform, but you can't make them play. It's a shame because the potential is so there.