Filmmaking / Directing : Need Film Festival Catagory Judges by L. Renee Boyd

L. Renee Boyd

Need Film Festival Catagory Judges

Shortz! Film Festival, Chico CA We're only a couple of weeks away from closing submissions for the 5th Annual Shortz! Film Festival, in Chico, Ca. We screen short films 40min. or less in all genres. We are very excited about the festival this year because we've grown to a point where we needed to categorize the films to make it fair for the awards and prizes. We are seeking category judges to help us choose the best of fest. This process is done online around July 15 and judges will have about 3 weeks to view 12-15 short films. If anyone is interested in contributing a little bit of their time we would appreciate it. Please contact me here or at I know as members Stage32 you all qualify because you are creative individuals with similar interests ... the art of entertainment, whether film or theater. And if you live in the Northern California area come to the festival September 18th-20th! For more info

Beth Fox Heisinger

Renee, post this in the JOBS section. You may receive more response there. :) Best to you!

Kev Harte

Hi Renee, I am based in the UK so maybe not much use as a judge, but I do have a short film to submit if your still accepting. Hope your well. Kev

L. Renee Boyd

Hi Beth, thank you for the suggestion. I've been a member for a while but I'm trying to be more active. I need to get more familiar with how the site works. LOL.

L. Renee Boyd

Hello Kevin, We are still accepting films until July 8th. Go to Shortz Film Fest on Film Freeway. As far as being a judge, it is all done online so location isn't an issue. 8^) We have judges from New York, San Francisco & local. All are volunteers. To show our gratitude we have a few weekend passes, you could give to someone or use if you came 8^), and we list our judges in the program. If you are interested please email me at We are setting judges up July 13th. Thanks for the note. ~Renee

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