Filmmaking / Directing : New Sci Fi Web Series by Melody Cooper

Melody Cooper

New Sci Fi Web Series

Good news! Next It Productions is a new production company that is now officially a partnership between writer and producer, Melody Cooper, and creator and producer, M. Adams. We are excited to collaborate on the sci fi web series THE NEXT ITERATION. The series looks into the near future through the prism of techno human transformation to project a plausible, exciting, heroic and challenging future that is quite literally Revolutionary! The pilot has been shot and we'll be launching soon. Stay tuned...

Beth Fox Heisinger

Sounds like an exciting project, Melody! Congratulations. :)

Courtney Miller

Fantastic!! Congratulations!!!

Helena Vann

That's great! Congratulations!

Shari D. Frost


Melody Cooper

Thanks, All!

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