Hello. Looking to connect with other producers for co-production. I'm also looking to connect with filmmakers, to help them monetize their existing completed films. Please do not send unsolicited materials. Thank you. Craig
Hi Craig. Often the best way to utilize the site is to engage: join the many conversations, offer advice, network and build relationships. You could also utilize the "Connect" feature, found in the upper menu bar, and search our membership by occupation/location—reach out to specific people. Or if you wish to post a "want ad," either a request for material submission or a search for a creative partner, paid or not paid, please post in the "Jobs" section. I hope that helps! Best to you. :)
Hi Craig. Often the best way to utilize the site is to engage: join the many conversations, offer advice, network and build relationships. You could also utilize the "Connect" feature, found in the upper menu bar, and search our membership by occupation/location—reach out to specific people. Or if you wish to post a "want ad," either a request for material submission or a search for a creative partner, paid or not paid, please post in the "Jobs" section. I hope that helps! Best to you. :)