Filmmaking / Directing : Serita Stevens - new development head for New Road Productions by Serita Stevens

Serita Stevens

Serita Stevens - new development head for New Road Productions

We will soon be looking for writing assistants and writers for hire. If you are interested, send 10 pages (TEN only) of your best script to my email and indicate you are from Stage 32

Leonard Benedetto

Hey Serita - if you're ever in need of an experienced script reader/story analyst, remember my name

Kriss Sprules

Hi Serita, can you tell us more about the project? Is it TV or Web? Paid or unpaid? Union? Genre?

Serita Stevens

Dragon Seeds will be paid feature - low budget. Horror Thriller

Leonard Benedetto

Hey Serita,, if you're ever in need of an experienced script reader/story analyst, remember my name

Marylin Hebert

Congratulations. You have incredible projects.

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