It was only last weekend that I was at Tribeca-Lisbon. There was so much energy there, that I think I had elevated levels of dopamine!
It was my first Tribeca experience and the first time I’d been to a film festival representing a film. Sandra and I met so many wonderful people and I think there is something to be said about being with people who have a shared experience of the joys and hardships of this wonderful industry. It felt very encouraging.
Whilst staying in Lisbon I was introduced to Carl Munson, by a mutual friend. Carl asked if I’d be interviewed on his weekday show called, Good Morning Portugal. I of course said yes. I wasn’t prepared to give interviews, but the night before I jotted some salient points about our film Seeing Rachel, went over them a few times and then went to sleep.
I awakened the next morning, had breakfast and then went over those points again. My interview was slotted in to Carl’s programme at 9:10am and we talked for twenty minutes. Carl has very kindly given us this clip of the interview and so here is the result.
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Glad you were able to experience Tribeca and represent your first film at a festival, Geoff Hall.
Thanks for sharing a clip of the interview. You said, "We as writers, we're all about getting the story down. And then when we're finished, it's like, 'well, now what do I do?'" That's one of the great things about Stage 32. It gives writers and other creatives the next steps. And to take what you said even farther, writers and other creatives should get familiar with what happens after finishing a script, book, etc. so they don't waste their energy, time, and money by pitching their projects to the wrong producers (ex: pitching an Action script to a Rom-Com producer), entering the wrong contests, paying producers to make their scripts, etc.
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Awesome interview Geoff Hall. Great seeing you at Tribeca, with all the atmosphere and good vibes to go with it!
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Eon C. Rambally thanks Eon. It was an amazing experience and so encouraging for the future of new storytellers.
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Maurice Vaughan agreed, Maurice. With Stage32, we have the opportunity to learn about the industry in a deep and meaningful way. Onwards and upwards!
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Looks like a fun time Geoff Hall. And cool photo. Which film were you there representing?
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Hi Stephen Folker I was there representing Seeing Rachel. Yes, it was a fun time. Thanks.