It’s Stage 32’s Introduce Yourself Weekend! Friday through Monday. IYW is a great time to meet people, build industry relationships/network, catch up with friends, talk about your projects/goals, and share your victories (small or big). If you’ve introduced yourself before, you can reintroduce yourself.
Don’t forget to comment on other people’s posts. It’s a great way to network and show your support for others.
Introduce Yourself Lounge:
And this month is Stage 32’s November Write Club! Find out more in this blog ( Join us for November Write Club! And your NWC goal doesn't have to be a writing goal. It can be any creative goal.
Here are some blogs that can help you get the most out of Introduce Yourself Weekend:
“Navigating Stage 32's Introduce Yourself Weekend!”
“Take The “Work” Out Of Networking - The Importance Of A Polished Stage 32 Profile”
“How To Present Yourself Online To Book Jobs In The Entertainment Industry”
“How To Attract Allies In The Film Industry”
“5 Tips To Make Networking Opportunities Valuable”