So with all the oscar buzz dying down, I think its okay to now ask a question that's been on my mind. With the (apparent) snubbing of female directors seeming to be a major sore point when it comes to these awards, is it time to seperate this category much like we do with actors and actresses. I know it could be argued that its a slippery slope and we'd end up with a million categories but I also feel that director is such a pivotal role, much like lead actor/actress, and I think gender can heavily influence style and even the stories told. Any thoughts?
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The judges who make the selections need to be more diverse. Decision Makers and voting procedures have to be modified.
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I think snubbing is an inappropriate term to use - it smacks of a negative connotation that I don't think is really there. Historically, the film industry was pretty heavily male populated and now those experienced practitioners are being recognized. Today there many more female participants in the writing/production side; historically, female participation tended to center around acting. I think that the judging must reflect the quality of the finished project rather than on the gender of the participant. At least I hope that's the case as more females actively participate in the process.
Dan MaxXx I think if we can go the route of "How about Screenwriters? Or Cinematographers?", we can go the other way and ask why actors and actresses need to be separated? Why not just a best actor category?
Tasha Lewis I 100% agree with you.
Doug Nelson I agree that judgement should be based solely on the quality of the finished work, but another part of me understands that historically, many underrepresented groups had to create special categories for themselves because they weren't given opportunities to create something of quality in the main stream in the first place. I think creating a separate category for female directors 1) Incentivises studios to look for female directors 2)Makes it apparent to young women that this is a viable field for them to work in (this is especially a problem in film school). As many people as there are working in Hollywood, I can't fathom why the number of prominent female directors is this low,