Your Stage : Review Short Film by Bobby Linsley

Review Short Film

Hey guys, had this short I did a couple of years back, went to some academy accredited festivals including Palm Springs, would value any and all feedback

Doug Nelson

I'm always impressed with the shorts Omeleto promotes and your's is certainly no exception. My basic feedback is that it's excellent. I find the storyline a bit convoluted the first time through but it became clear at the second watching. A heavy story indeed. The scene blocking fit the storyline well and the cinematography/lighting is very well done. The cut aways added a lot to the tone/ambiance. The Actors gave a fine performance. Is there a continuity issue - is the burn house the same as the opening set house? A very well made film overall.

Bobby Linsley

That’s for the review Doug, yes, the burn house is the same house from opening scene

Bobby Linsley


Debbie Croysdale

I second @Doug, it's impressive. I love the cinematography and acting, it "felt" sinister on an organic level and the lack of disconcerting constant background music pleasantly fresh. So many horror's have music practically ALL the way through but I think less is more and prefer only have the music at key moments in film. Yuk! Very nasty scars too.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Bobby Linsley! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. Great work! Definitely cinematic - dare I ask the inspiration for this?

Also, I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Tell me about yourself! I would highly suggest adding this link along with your bio to your profile so other members can find you and it more easily. Feel free to reference my blog post on "Polishing Your Profile" to help guide you:

Doug Nelson

Karen, I'm kinda with you on this. He has sent me an invite but he has no bio - so I'm on the fence. His Ritual short film is one that I would be willing to feature on my Independent Filmmaker's Showcase cable show (if permitted), but without any bio, I'm hesitant.

Craig Prickett

Obviously these Yanks don't know but every Australian knows you've got 2 of the greatest Australian actors of TV drama and stage with Gary Sweet and Alison Whyte and your other actors held their own.So brilliant casting great production values.I'm sure someone may suggest tightening the story,different lighting,different cuts,different blocking etc etc.But it's basically a brilliant short done at a very professional level.

Christiane Lange

Craig Prickett I did not know the actors, but also thought they were all really good and well cast. Ditto for the cinematography, sound etc.

Doug Nelson

Craig, The story definitely needs work. I was mostly impressed by the actual production and the acting. I was willing to promote him here in the U.S Northwest but he never responded; so I can't/won't.

Craig Prickett

All I can tell you Doug is I recognise his name as I said he got some of the cream of the domestic talent in Australia.Obviously it being social media there's no gaurantee he is who he says he is.I think I might have seen his work in Tropfest which is a short film contest in Australia which although probably unknown in the US is considered one of the premier short film contests in the world in both europe and asia.If you could get the right to put some of them on your chanel you'd probably do all right.people like Hugh Jackman act for free in these student short films.All the finalists have high production values and are well acted.Just a thought.

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