Financing / Crowdfunding : Angel Investors: Yea or Nay? by Laura Steponchev

Laura Steponchev

Angel Investors: Yea or Nay?

Hi everyone,

For the past year, my business partner Cesar and I have been tossing around the idea of funding projects through angel investors, and I'd love to open a dialogue around this. We don't have a lot of experience in terms of outside funding as, so far, all of our projects have been self-funded.

Has anyone had any luck? Any recommendations or forewarnings? Any tips on how to best pitch them, ie: what is non-negotiable to include in the pitch vs what could be left out? 

Please and thanks, I really appreciate it! 


Karen "Kay" Ross

Whatever you discuss, make sure it is also put into writing - angel investors have too much power over a production's success, so if you rely on a verbal contract, then you'll find their memory is faulty when times get tight.

Generally, you just have to clear about kind of creative influence they have - or image of creative influence? This is where having a good relationship comes in play, because the more you can include them in the creative conversations, the better they will feel about getting involved. Make sure they have designated days on set, but not full access. Make sure there is a screening if they want one. Make sure you know what friend, girlfriend, or neighbor they are trying to sneak onto set and treat them like a King/Queen.

From my experience, I would say I am willing to accept the help of angel investors, but do not seek them out. When I've had successful crowdfunding campaigns in the past with an investor ready to pay the full amount, I instead ask if they would be willing to be a matching donor - someone who could match any donations within a certain time frame to help increase contributions. That way they don't have to sacrifice as much towards the success of the project, AND they get to see a bit of foreshadowing as to how popular their project will be. The effort of the filmmaker and the response of the early audience is an important part of the process, so if your angel investor is eradicating that need, I'm not so crazy about it.

Just my two cents!

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Well an "angel" investor is just an investor, no? Usually considered an individual with high net worth, but otherwise, no different than any other investor, really. Inasmuch as they may not be familiar with film industry issues, they may be more hesitant or more conservative or controlling about their involvement (possibly).

Jane Sanger

Investors and angel investors are just in my opinion the same thing. How to find them? Everyone wants to know that. Here in UK I know of two people where the investor found them. One is a young man whose first feature he doggedly crowdfunded over a couple of years and 7 crowdfunds, got to Raindance and an investor approached him and offered him to fund his next five films over 5 years(low budget) then another person got their film in at another festival where someone from Sony was in the selection committee and funded his next 3 films. So I think it’s showing your chops and they will find you.

The other way to approach is if you know any wealthy people with an acting son, daughter, girlfriend, boyfriend that you know is a good actor but perhaps setting out. You offer them a small role in exchange for a substantial investment. Value your film and don’t take anyone if they can’t act. I’ve been offered £50,000 to put a girlfriend in off a sugar daddy. She was a fancy piece completely unsuited to the film and he wanted me to write scenes in for her which were not suited to the film. I did not go ahead though turning down the money on a £250,000 budget film was hard.

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