Distribution : DISTRIBUTORS: How Do We Make Cord Jefferson's Wish a Reality? by Karen "Kay" Ross

Karen "Kay" Ross

DISTRIBUTORS: How Do We Make Cord Jefferson's Wish a Reality?

I had the distinct pleasure of attending the premiere of EASTER BLOODY EASTER with my producing partner, Garrett Adams. Afterwards, I hosted a delightful Q&A with the cast! It brought to mind how important the audience is to the success of independent films. In fact, how many of us still covet '90s indie films? Why is it that we're so resistant to exploring current indie films? What can we do to ignite the interest of moviegoers to return to cinemas?

Thanks to Cord Jefferson's speech at the Oscars and Mark Duplass making moves to create their own studio, there are more opportunities to make smaller films and indie television.


But I ask you, fellow Stage 32ers - are you watching indie stuff? If so, where and how did you find out about it? What ideas has it given you about making your own films/shows for those distributors?

Also, be sure to check out Diane Foster's Directorial Debut, EASTER BLOODY EASTER, a horror/comedy! EASTER BLOODY EASTER is now available on Digital + on Demand. Watch Now on Amazon Prime Video:


Read about Diane's journey from Stage 32 to Directorial Debut on her recent blog HERE:


Sam Sokolow

I've been trying to get to more small, local film festivals. There are so many if you look for them. You may only get a catalogue of short films but usually made by emerging, talented filmmakers and often with state or industry grants and it's always inspiring to hear their stories of how they got their films made.

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