Distribution : How much can you get from Netflix for a 10 Episodes of Dark Comedy TV Series? by Blessing Lulonga

Blessing Lulonga

How much can you get from Netflix for a 10 Episodes of Dark Comedy TV Series?

Hi Everyone!!! My name is Blessing Lulonga, I’m from South Africa. I’m an aspiring scriptwriter with a dream and passion to turn stories into films. I am the managing director of THE BLIZMO PRODUCTIONS based in Johannesburg and it’s my pleasure to be part of such a great community. I am looking for your assistance on a low budget project that I’m currently working on... “WHAT WOULD YOU DO?” a 10 Episodes dark comedy short stories we hoping to put on Netflix and, or Showmax.

I was wondering if anyone here can give an estimated amount of what you might expect or get from Netflix for such a content. Please let me mention that my investor is more interested in knowing how the process of selling happens after the production, this info will make it easier for him to know what to expect for the money he’s spending on this production.

Any assistance is highly appreciated.

Sam Szylwin

I spoke with a member of Stage 32 a couple of nights ago. He stated he got his title on Amazon and it took 12 months to do so. He didn't use an aggregator but did it all himself.

You can always self distribute.

Karen "Kay" Ross

So, this question is actually backward. If you are the writer, then you'll need to attach yourself to a production company to confirm how much it will cost to execute each episode. If you ARE the production company, then you will break down the costs of the series, including any special needs per episode.

That is all to say, YOU give NETFLIX (or whatever network you contract with) the budget, and you continue to do so until they approve it. If Netflix is not attached during the production process, then what they "give you" should be your costs plus whatever extra and residuals. There have been more than a few posts/blogs about "recoupment schedules" which may help you if this is the case (ie. you're finished with production and are looking for distribution to recoup your costs).

Revenue Sharing: https://www.stage32.com/blog/How-to-Manage-Revenue-Sharing-on-Independen...

Recoupment Schedule: https://www.stage32.com/blog/How-to-Put-Together-a-Recoupment-Schedule-f...

What is a Recoupment Schedule: https://www.stage32.com/blog/What-Is-a-Recoupment-Schedule-For-Your-Film...

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Dan MaxXx Was, is the filmmaker you write about exclusive to Netflix? If no, he can look for other distributors. Only problem is not many will be interested if Netflix or Amazon has it up already ...

Blessing Lulonga

Dan MaxXx Thank you so much for sharing this info with me. It's very helpful.

Blessing Lulonga

Karen "Kay" Ross Thank you so much for contributing and for sharing these links with me, I've come to learn much more from the links you shared with me. Many thanks

Blessing Lulonga

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth So I'm basically at the beginning of my career as a filmmaker, for many years I wrote many stories, scripts that I'm now ready to work on with my Production Company, but since I'm taking money out of my own pocket to finance the project, what is the next step for me after the movie, series is done? Where, who do I take it to? What should be my expectations?, Is it okay to count loss for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd project? Any help from experienced people who have been where I am, is very welcome.

Blessing Lulonga

Sam Szylwin Thank you so much for taking time to respond, I'm open to every suggestion.

Karen "Kay" Ross

So glad we could help out, Blessing Lulonga! Keep at it, and do keep us posted on your progress!

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Blessing Lulonga - there's plenty of books out there on Film Distribution (check Amazon); this will get you started with a solid understanding of what's involved in the distribution process, and what's required (Deliverables) from the producer.

Sam Szylwin

If it would help you Blessings Lulonga, since I contract with folks for our platform, I can send you, or post a list of the different types of distribution? It may give you a better understanding of the "types" AVOD, TVOD, SVOD, Cable Pay TV, Cable Free etc. They are by definition and explain how they are applied within a Deal Memo. Knowing the background of distribution and the options you have can be helpful once you are ready to move forward as they pertain to certain structures. Having some background information can help you make an educated deal when the time comes if you chose to move forward with one of the bigger platforms like Netflix or Showtime..

Blessing Lulonga

Sam Szylwin Please send me or post it on my list which i think it's better because it might help other in a situation like mine. Thank you so much for your assistance. More blessings to you.

Sam Szylwin

Blessings, I just thought of a company that you might check into. They provide a good amount of info on their website and assist in distribution questions. These folks are non profit so they will not ask you for anything. thefilmcollaborative.org. Kathy & Jeffrey share a wealth of knowledge, just like Stage32 but most info is re: distribution. They're very helpful.

Blessing Lulonga

Dan MaxXx Thank you so much for the reference, I actually find a lot of information from Writer's Guild's website. Thank you once again.

Blessing Lulonga

Sam Szylwin I've just sent them an email and hopefully they come back to me with a positive response.

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