Distribution : Is the Sky Indeed Falling? by Nick Phillips

Nick Phillips

Is the Sky Indeed Falling?

The Summer Box Office Crisis: Is the Sky Really Falling This Time?
The Summer Box Office Crisis: Is the Sky Really Falling This Time?
With fewer big movies out as a result of the strikes, theatrical revenue is plummeting every week as fans grow accustomed to staying at-home.
Laurie Ashbourne

Well... we know what happened with Chicken Little when he heralded a similar concern.

Seriously, when the industry is out of work for at least 6 months what do they expect at the box office? The industry is in a course correction, but everyone is too afraid to step out of the mayhem of Henny Penny and Chicken Little to define the course.

Someone will. And things will turn around.

Ashley Renee Smith

I appreciated this quote- “People are not in the moviegoing habit and are firmly ensconced in appointment viewing, which is a huge problem. But there hasn’t been a real igniter.”

I think that's a big part of it currently. With all of the chaos that the world has been enduring over the last few years, going out to the movies no longer feels like a normal part of anyone's routine. It takes something really exciting to make people stop and go, "Oh, we could go see that movie in theaters this weekend. I don't want to miss that." What used to be so easy and obvious, takes thought and the right level of excitement/encouragement. I think that will change a bit as movies that DO really excite people begin coming out more often again. All the people who canceled their theater memberships and movie club accounts over the last few years to save money, will be more likely to renew those when they know that multiple movies that they WANT to see on a big screen will be released. Then they'll be incentivized once again to step back out and make that effort. It's just going to take time.

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