Distribution : Pilot almost complete. Need advice? by Edward Reid

Edward Reid

Pilot almost complete. Need advice?

The pilot for our series is almost complete. www.thegrandprinceofmoscow.com. This is not something we'd like to release on youtube. We'd actually like to get network attention, but we realize how very difficult that is. I'm seeking any ideas on how to distribute this. The issue with Hulu is that it would have to be submitted as a short film since we only have one episode. Due to the budget constraints, that's as far as we can go right now. Thank you .

Bill Costantini

I can't help you with your request for capital, but I just wanted to say that I like your trailer a lot. I like your POV, and the flashcuts. I like the cinematography and the look a lot too. And I think the synopsis is very relevant and marketable. Your cast photos look good, too. The only thing I don't like....no disrespect intended...is the subtle laugh track. It just doesn't seem to fit to me. A few questions...if you would answer, I would appreciate it. Do you have any more of the pilot available for viewing? Can you tell me what type of camera and editing equipment you use? Did you have a lighting and sound person? How many of the first seasons' scripts are complete? Good luck, bro....it looks very promising, as does the story line. I hope you have some solid story lines and scripts already completed.

Edward Reid

Thank you. We used Sony FS7, Sony FS700 and AJA Cion cameras. Editing was done in Adobe Premiere. Audio finish was done with ProTools and Logic. We had a sound and lighting person as well. We released a scene and are putting out the trailer very soon. No disrespect taken at all on your input! I thank you! I have a rawer cut of the pilot for viewing in a dropbox. The sound is still a bit sketchy. We're working on that now. I am not far into the scripts. I was advised not to go very far into the writing? Three episodes. Of course a full treatment and outline. People explained to me for something like this, people would want to bring in their own writers. This has been totally new to me as well. I started out as BG and wrote this kind of of as a sketch for a reel and it just took off. This is my first time as a writer or producer or leading actor. We have other sites here. www.facebook.com/grandprinceofmoscowtheseries www.youtube.com/grandprinceofmoscow I'm just hoping to get some guidance on this and I don't know if "pitching" this in the "Happy Writers" section is the way to go.

Bill Costantini

Edward, Thanks for your comments. One important add to my original comments....make sure your tone is consistent throughout. I really think visually....you have a really great look and directorial style/POV going on here. I'll look for the fuller versions on youtube and facebook.....but I really like the concept, the look and the directorial style/POV ....three important parts of the equation. I hope the writing and tone, and the remaining parts of the equation....the acting, lighting, music (optional) and sound....make a complete successful picture for you, bro.

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